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When I started having morning sickness two years after my first Championship win, Draco was beside himself with worry

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When I started having morning sickness two years after my first Championship win, Draco was beside himself with worry. He held my hair back as I hurled our steak dinner into the toilet.

"Love, we should take you to St. Mungo's." He says with a thick voice looking absolutely terrified that I might be ill.

"It's just morning sickness. I'm alright." I reply back when my mouth finally calmed itself down.

Draco hands me a glass of water and frowns. "I don't want to risk it. You've been having this morning sickness for awhile now."

"It must be the horrendous spicy ice cream I was craving for last night. You'd think I was pregnant-"

We both pause for a long time. With the Ministry settling down and our careers finally stable, Draco and I have been trying to have a child. The want for our own was triggered when Millie gave birth to an ox of a son and we both fell in love with him instantly. The baby boy looked exactly like Greg. It melted my heart.

"Do you think?" I asked feeling breathless.

Draco eyes wide with excitement fumbles pulling out the Elder Wand from my robes and places it on my hand. "Cast the spell."

I swallow feeling nervous and softly whispered the spell that was used to check for pregnancy. A second of waiting and we both gasp in delight when a bright white light left my wand confirming our suspicions.

Draco thrust his fist into the air triumphantly looking gleeful with the silly smile on his face. "I'm going to be a father." He breathed wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into a hug.

I swear I saw tears falling down his grey eyes.


Half way into my pregnancy with Draco breathing down my neck about safety and him spoiling me rotten by having late night ice cream apparition runs for whatever I was craving for, when the most bizarre thing happened.

"Say what now?"

Blaise sighs running a hand through his perfectly styled picture perfect hair. "This is my son."

Draco and I peer down at the green bundle in his arms. "Are you certain?" Draco asks in confusion looking perplexed.

"Yes, I'm certain. I took it for a paternity test this morning." Blaise snaps at us testily.

"Who's the mother?" I ask suddenly more confused and unsure than I originally was.

Draco was on a day off from the Ministry busy taking care of my health and making sure I was eating all the proper food when Blaise came knocking at our door with a little baby boy in his arms.

Blaise's lips thinned at the question. "Fortunately, she's pure of blood."

"You didn't answer our question." Draco says still looking down at the baby in wonder.

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