The Slytherin Darling

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Sierra Emrys-Malfoy, daughter of Draco and Kallista, is the embodiment of Slytherin

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Sierra Emrys-Malfoy, daughter of Draco and Kallista, is the embodiment of Slytherin. She's ambitious, cunning and resourceful. The perfect leader. Sierra has everything she could ever want coming into her sixth year of Hogwarts where an Inter-school Quidditch Competition will be held.

Adamant in her pursuit to win the Quidditch Cup for her beloved school, she doesn't anticipate the distraction that comes in two forms;

First, Calix Zabini. Slytherin. Known for being earth shatteringly handsome, he is the son of the Minister of Magic. On his seventh and final year in Hogwarts, Calix has all the intention of marrying Sierra and making her the happiest woman alive. Calix is perfectly and unfathomably in love with Sierra, loving and supporting her has all he's ever known.

Second, Peter Wood. Gryffindor. Sierra's long time rival and competition in absolutely everything. He is the son of Oliver Wood, a famous professional Quidditch player. Peter has shared a love and hate relationship with Sierra since they were in their first year albeit- more on the love. He's determined to prove to her that house difference doesn't matter and that riches and purity aren't everything.

 He's determined to prove to her that house difference doesn't matter and that riches and purity aren't everything

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It's the summer before my first year in Hogwarts. Marcus Flint- or Uncle Marcy as I like to call him- has insisted on coming with me to purchase my wand.

Scorpius was with father buying his books for his second year. He's most probably already with Calix and the Minister of Magic. I didn't really mind being separated though. I like spending time with uncle Marcy and mum.

Uncle Marcy tightens his hold on my hand as he spoke to my mum. "I wouldn't miss this for the world." He tells her smiling down at me proudly.

Mum stifles a laugh and brushes my hair back. "If you're sure. It's not my department that's going to burn down the ground."

"I'm positive Greg and Vince won't be able to destroy the department in the few hours I'm gone. I have to be here for my little Princess." He insisted with a wink directed at me.

"Uncle Marcy, I want a new broom." I say pointing to the shop where crowds of people were rushing to.

He shares a glance with my mum before chuckling. "Yes. I'll be getting you the best broom. I'll even illegally sent it to you at Hogwarts without Theo noticing."

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