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I scream rushing towards the fighting boys

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I scream rushing towards the fighting boys. I could see blood and I silently prayed to Merlin it wasn't Draco's.

"Greg! Vince! Help!" I shout desperately looking for my friends.

Blaise was currently wrestling in the ground with the other Weasley twin and Theo was holding back Ronald Weasley from joining the attack on Draco.

I'm suddenly pulled into in neck lock by a still bleeding Ginny Weasley and I grapple with her to the ground. What was this? Attack of the red heads?

Cassius tries to pry the mad red head off me but I was not a victim for much longer. I punch hard hearing Weasley grunt in pain. I did not survive two summers in Ireland with burly men by being weak.

I let out a strangled gasp when Ginny Weasley bites at my arm and I kick at her. Cassius shouts threateningly pulling her off.

My body acts on it's own by raising my hand in the air and wordlessly cast a body binding spell on all the Gryffindors without a wand. I mercilessly lift them all up in the air upside down and start squeezing the air out of their lungs slowly. Unfortunately, it wouldn't kill them but it would be enough to weaken the idiotic cretins. I flinch a little at my shaking hands. There was blood dripping from my arm where Ginny Weasley bit into it.

"What is going on?" Madam Hooch demands running towards us looking angry. My jaw clenched, I release my spell dropping both my hands down to my side and letting them roughly crash down the ground coughing and taking deep breathes.

Draco was curled into a ball on the grounding bleeding in so many places. I rush to his side inspecting him. He was covered in bruises and one of his prefect grey eyes were closed blood crusting around it.

Anger like nothing before surges through me. It took everything I had not rain down hell upon the Gryffindor team and complete my spell from earlier.

Greg and Vince suddenly appear with scratch marks all over curtesy of the enemy Chasers nails that pulled them back from the earlier fight. They helped Draco up who let's out a shuddered breath.

I felt pride when I saw Potter and whoever that Weasley twin was bleeding as well. At least Draco didn't go down without a fight.

"I have never been this disappointed!" Madam Hooch barks out. "All of you to Hospital Wing now! I will be informing your Heads of House of this."

Knowing my protective godfather, he would use this to punish the Gryffindors.

I close my eyes when Madam Pomfrey started to look over Draco at the Hospital Wing. When his robes were removed, more bruises could easily be seen. I understood now what Draco felt when I was the one in the Hospital bed.

I felt utterly useless as Draco groaned and cried out in pain.

When we were finally alone, Draco worriedly looks towards me reaching for my hand his lips swollen but pouting nonetheless. "I'm so sorry, Kally."

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