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I cringe away from the Death Eaters that come through the vanishing cabinet

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I cringe away from the Death Eaters that come through the vanishing cabinet. Tasteless horrible men that have no common decency and then there's Bellatrix Lestrange with even less morals.

My eyes instantly spot a certain werewolf and I buckle. "What is he doing here?" I shriek angrily thinking of all the students he could terrorize.

The werewolf smiles devilishly showing his horrible teeth. "I needed a snack."

"Snack on any children and I'll be serving your carcass for breakfast." I snap warningly taking my wand out and pointing it at his face.

Bellatrix let's out a mad cackle. "She's got fire, this one."

"She'll taste good then." Greyback chortles looking nervous but takes a step closer to me.

Draco blocks his path scowling with his own wand out. Not the least bit intimidated by the known child murderer. "I'm in a rather terrible mood, mongrel. I wouldn't test your luck today."

"He'd make an awfully nice carpet won't he?" I smile sadistically at my fiancé. "I could make a trophy out of him."

The werewolf's eyes widen almost in horror glancing at Bellatrix who grins distractedly and motions for them to get a move on. Effectively breaking the tension. I cast one more withering glare at the werewolf before turning away with Draco's hand in mine.

They fire the Dark Mark in the sky and I can't help but feel my stomach fall at the sight. Our Hogwarts never looked so horrible. I could feel my knees shake.

Draco reaches for my hand and squeezes. "All part of the plan, my love."

I nod wordlessly turning to the Astronomy Tower where Potter promised they'd be. The moment we push open the doors, I automatically meet the eyes of Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stood there weak and shaking in the knees. Maybe Draco's liquid luck did work.

Dumbledore slowly lifts his wand and I disarm him effortlessly with a wave of my hand and grab for his wand with the other. "Miss Emrys and Mister Malfoy." He greets tiredly.

I look down spotting Potter who looked conflicted with what was happening and look away not wanting to draw attention to him.

Dumbledore continues his speech of how we could do better and how we didn't really want this. I tune him out. It was easy enough. He was dying anyway I try to convince myself. Dumbledore did not care about us.

The plan was that Draco would kill Dumbledore. It was his initiation. I couldn't let him do it. My soul be damned but I was definitely protecting Draco's and Severus'.

I lifted my wand and with the thought of our burning Manors, I felt a small smile twitch. "Avada Kedavra."

A bolt of green blinding light leaves my wand and connects with Dumbledore's frail body. I couldn't help the satisfied smile that makes it's way to my lips. Revenge truly was sweet.

It was sort of anticlimactic. I thought for sure tearing my soul apart would feel much more painful but now I just felt satisfied and numb at the same time.

Right on time, Bellatrix and Severus arrive right as Dumbledore tumbled off the Astronomy Tower.

I watch him fall and my heart immediately feels lighter and at the same time heavier at the sight. I was no supporter of Dumbledore but it was still disheartening that the greatest Wizard of this generation falls to my wand.

I did this.

Down goes the Gryffindor lover. I almost hoped for a better fight.

Was I delighted or horrified?

I turn my lips turning up in a smirk. Might as well.

Another shot of green light and Bellatrix Lestrange falls to my feet. She did not expect it. Two deaths by my wand in one night. I was going to hell but I would be welcomed with pats on the back.

"Tell the school you avenged Dumbledore and killed the Dark Lord's most trusted Death Eater." I say my voice calm and collected.

I face Draco and he nods in silent agreement. "Misfire on Bellatrix."

"What have you done?" Severus Snape whispers looking equal parts horrified and awestruck.

"There will be a new side to this battle." My voice might have been level but I was anything but.

Everything was about to change.

"I will stay here and protect the students." Severus says closing his eyes.

"We will rid of the others." Draco says casually turning away with his wand ready to kill.


Polyjuice potion as a random pair of Ministry Officials, Draco and I blend in with the crowd of mourners. We had to retrieve Dumbledore's wand from his body.

The liquid luck acted in our favor when we told the Dark Lord of Bellatrix Lestrange and the other Death Eater's death. They were mad dogs, he said, they could barely form two thoughts. It's time for a new generation.

A new generation with Draco at the helm.

I don't miss the lingering look the Dark Lord sends my way. "You truly are fascinating, my dear."

It meant however that Voldemort needed to recruit more Death Eaters thus Blaise, Theo, Greg and Vince were marked that very same night. The screams were haunting. Nothing like Draco's marking, the boy's screams are something I would never be able to forget.

They were out of commission for an entire week and the smell of blood stuck to them for another.

"This is just disrespectful." I whisper to Draco about us taking Dumbledore's wand. We easily side stepped away from any known Order members.

Draco laughs loudly. "Killing him wasn't disrespectful, love?"

"Oh, please. He was dying. Mercy killing is better than him being tortured by another Death Eater."

He continues to laugh shaking his head. "I don't understand what you were thinking saving me from killing Dumbledore when I killed three other Death Eaters that same night."

"You didn't want to kill Dumbledore."

Draco pauses and nods in understanding.

He knew I did.


With the death of Dumbledore, Voldemort's plan starts to materialize beginning with the Ministry. He easily places his supporters right under their noses waiting for his order to overthrow the Ministry and kill anyone and everyone in his path.

Draco and I stand watch from the newly reclaimed Malfoy Manor. The chaos of Dumbledore's passing allowed us to take back every property that was taken from us.

Effortlessly, we have our Manors back and we could finally access our Gringotts vaults. To spite the Ministry even more, we used their budgets to pay for whatever damages they did to our homes. I did this all with a pleasant smile on my face.

Victory felt good.

Lucius Malfoy finally returns as well coming back from a far away Malfoy safe house. The smile on Narcissa's face was good enough to repair my soul from the horrors we've done for the past few days.

Marcus Flint joins the ranks soon after and he smirks when he sees me. "Hey little princess."

"Captain." I say smiling back at him.

He watches me carefully and places a hand on my shoulder. There was a hidden meaning to his gaze. "I'm yours to command."

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