Chapter Twenty-Two: Glory

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Instead of the expected welcome and so-earned gratitude, the fierce, cute blue-haired girl- Tsunami? - whipped her head to Glory, shouting:

"Go! He's coming! He's coming to kill us all!"


"What?" Glory said confusedly. "Tsunami, what are you talking about?"

Tsunami shook her head. "Save yourself, Glory. He's coming. He told us he would kill us all! Go while you can..." She shook her head furiously to shake off the force of the drugs. "Ugh, the stuff they've been putting into our arms...they're strong as hell."

Glory was trembling. "Is it...him? M-Morrowseer?"

Tsunami grimaced. Everyone else started to wake up, one by one, making Glory almost smile with gratitude. "Who else?"

She shook her head, not saying a word. She barely managed to bend down to inspect her best friend for any sign of injury. Thankfully, there was none. Just dizziness.

"I'm not leaving you again, Tsunami. Not for safety, not for riches or money, and definitely not to save my own pathetic life," she replied firmly.

"You never left us, Glory," Sunny whispered. "Don't hurt yourself with the past. Look at yourself now! You're a shining star, for goodness sake!"

Glory grimaced. "Well, a star about to burn out. Well, I never got to apologize for what I did years ago. It was a bad and unforgivable thing, guys, and I hope you guys know how much I hate myself for it every day. It was selfish of me."

Deathbringer jumped into the conversation as Glory helped Tsunami up. "What are you talking about? Oh, the story of leaving them for me, right? There's isn't much. We only shared like, a kiss or tw-"

Tsunami raised an eyebrow, punching her arm weakly with a mocking grin. "We leave for a few days and you get yourself a new sexy assassin wannabe?"

Deathbringer snorted. "I'm a certified assassin, thank you very much. And have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? Because you're knockout gorgeous. What's your name, by the way? You're cute."

Glory rolled her eyes. "You forgot playboy," She muttered under her breath. Was Deathbringer just hitting on Tsunami? And worse, was Tsunami looking him over? She felt impatient. Maybe a little jealous. Really little, though.

Which was hilarious, considering the situation they were in. "Quick, Morrowseer might come any second!" She said impatiently.

"I have a boyfriend," Tsunami said suddenly. "Or do I? He didn't ask me, out yet, but it feels like we have since beginning of time..."

"Aw, you guys have such romantic lives!" The rainbow-haired girl exclaimed excitedly behind Glory. "The closest I went to having a romance story is between a little snail I found in the rain! We even shared an umbrella the song. Umbrella by Rihanna? Anyone?" Kinkajou sighed. "Ah, the good days."

"Can you stand, Sunny?" Glory whispered, trying to ignore Kinkajou's chatter as much as possible.

"Yeah. Thank you so much, Glory!" Sunny beamed at her, and it warmed her cold, stony heart. She missed the good old days when they used to share a small sandwich together in what Kestrel called the "Dungeon," a dark, bug-filled place they had to go whenever they did something "wrong" or something she didn't like.

"Glory, is that you?" Clay said, blinking his eyes open sleepily. Glory quickly went to him, giving him a smile.

"Clay," She whispered. "I missed you so much, big guy!" She shouted, wrapping her arms around him. He let out a squeak.

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