Chapter Twenty-Five: Deathbringer

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He had passed out.

When he woke up, he noticed two things: that his leg was fixed. Wrapped in bandages, yes, but fixed nevertheless. The horrible pain was gone to he replaced by a calm, sweet feeling.

He was laying on a hospital bed, surrounded by white walls. There were no one else in the room.

Except her.

Greatness. Greatness was with him.

Then he remembered: how Peril betrayed them, how he lost her. How he couldn't protect her.

After all that trouble, he was marrying Greatness, and Glory was about to die.

"You woke up." Greatness said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He felt a strong urge to wipe it off and gag, but it probably wasn't the best idea. "Good news: we're going to get married in three days. Bad news: you haven't proposed."

He groaned. Where's Glory? "Didn't you propose to me?" Or threaten to kill the love of my life if I didn't marry you?

She snorted. "Technically true, but no. Or we can skip it, but you have to tell Father you did. Here is the ring." She tossed it to him like it held no particular importance to her.

It was a gold ring, and he raisedan eyebrow as Greatness showed him hers. "Do you like yours, darling?" She said with an exaggerated voice.

He shrugged. "Why is it such a big deal?" He said. "You probably will divorce me during the honeymoon. I have really messy hair in the morning." He stared at it with inner hatred. It was a ring, binding him forever. With Greatness.

"Cute." She patted his cheek. She sat on the side of the bed. "And you will love me, someday. You see, not even a stubborn self as you can resist me."

"Hm," he said, not bothering to answer. Keep thinking that, sweetheart. "But maybe you can do me a favor?"

"To keep your girlfriend alive? No."

"But why? Isn't this what you wanted? Us?" He gave her a smile, trying to sooth his voice. "And you got it. Why should we kill her? Isn't she just a waste of your time?"

Greatness gave him a toothy grin. "I will have my revenge. She tricked me. You tricked me. I know for a fact that you do love her, Deathy. And as long as she lives, you will never love me, who just happens to be your soon to be wife."

"You can make me forget her," he said hoarsely. Anything. Just don't hurt her.

Greatness laughed. "Oh, and I will try. But you see, you won't let me. And the only way to your heart is picking off everyone you love until there's only me left!"

He shivered. Greatness was a maniac. Or a stalker. Probably both. "Greatness, shouldn't we try to be at least a little...peaceful? Like, maybe not start on the death threats the moment we start to actually agree on marrying? Like, give me a month or so. I promise I will be all yours by then."

Greatness narrowed her eyes. "You will never have my trust. You had it, but it was your fault you lost it. That was a big mistake, Deathbringer Black."

Big deal. Do you always talk like this? Like you're handing out death threats? Oh, wait. That IS what you do. Every. Single. Day.

He tried to keep calm, but he hated it when someone tried to control him. He wasn't a piece of furniture, he did not belong to anyone except himself. And he could make his own decisions. He didn't want her trust. He didn't regret shooting her with the dart. "Perhaps if you give me a little freedom, we could actually make this relationship work."

Greatness stood up. "It would work either way."

He clenched his fists. "Why are you doing this, Greatness? Don't you have mercy?"

Her eyes flashed, and she leaped on him like a graceful, deadly lioness. "Mercy?" She whispered. She placed a palm on the wall, giving him no place to escape. "Glory Bright will suffer. Why? Because I want her to. And you will love me, and you will show it front of her if you want her to live."

"I have to show her that I love you if I want her to live? Does it mean you will let her live if-"

"Kiss me."

He frowned. Not this again. "What?"

"Kiss me. Prove to me that you can act. Prove to me you can love me."

"But why? Isn't hurting her bad enough?"

"She loves you, and it will break her to see you with me. I know it will."

But you're wrong, Greatness. She hates me.

"But you will keep her alive?" He whispered hopefully. Glory was strong. She would move on. She would forget about him. It will take her time, but she was strong enough to do anything.

"I will keep her alive."

Greatness smirked. It was her trap. She was binding him forever, but she would keep Glory alive.

He put his arms around her waist and pulled her in, and that moment he knew he would do anything for Glory. For her life, he would kiss Greatness, and for her only he would marry her.

He would say his vows with passion even if he didn't feel any, and he would kiss Greatness just as he would kiss a woman of his dreams.

For Glory, he would do anything.


Is it bad that I like torturing my readers with Deathbringer X Greatness? Oof.

I would say vote but I hate begging for votes so I will not say to vote.

Tbh, please comment! I like comments waaaay better than votes lolol

Then maybe I will give you another update! AFTER I finish my math homework...


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