Chapter Twenty-Four

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He was blind.

You're so annoying, Starflight! All you do is read all day. You are soooo boring. Can't you be a little interesting? Nobody wants you. Nobody likes you, either.

You're not even smart. Stop acting all high and mighty just because you memorized stupid facts no one cares about.

He was used to big by now. The teasing, the sarcasm, the eyeroll whenever he told his friends something interesting.

I just wanted them to like me

He would never be like them. So brave. So strong. Heroes.

Even Sunny...Even she doesn't want me.

That pain, that hunger, that was nothing compared to the storms inside his brain. Battles won and lost.

All leading to one thing: hate.

Hate for himself. Hate for never getting better. Hate for being a weight to his friends. Hate that he wasn't something interesting. Hate that he was so afraid when everyone else was so brave.

"Where am I?" He whispered. Then repeated the same question, just a little louder this time. His heart was thumping in his chest. He was afraid.

Afraid. So much fear. I wish I was brave...

There was no answer. No solution this time.

Only the darkness stared back, and he shrank back, sobs escaping his mouth, fear shaking his body, trapped in a cage that was impossible to escape.



"Did you seriously think you could escape me?" Morrowseer whispered in her ear.

She shrugged.

I told myself I could. I couldn't.

She grimaced. All this time, I thought people were lying to me. You. My Hollywood friends. My parents.

But all this time...I was lying to myself.

"I took you friends. You're alone. You're weak."

"I've been alone before," she said, without looking at his eyes. "I have been weak before, too."

Morrowseer smirked. "The truth is, Ms. Bright...You're only someone pretending to be strong when, after all, you're the weakest of them all."

It's true, her mind whispered.

"So this is what you do in your free time? Chase some teen kids down so, what? You can get...revenge? I mean, it shouldn't be called revenge when there's nothing you have to avenge." Glory snorted. Her hands were shaking, but her voice was steady. The sarcastic tone, as usual. Ready to get her killed. What else is new?

"No. I actually like you, Glory. But I got a mission. A mission to kill you, and kill you I will."

"Shut up. You disgust me," Glory spat. Get away from me. Don't touch me.

That was when Morrowseer pushed her, and she hit the rock wall with a loud bang. It hurt so much, it brought tears to her eyes.

"I'm not joking with you, you filthy child. I will torture you. I will kill you, and when you are dead, I will show your dead body to your enemies," Morrowseer said coldly.

To her embarrassment, Glory flinched at his words. They hurt more than anything. to realize the fact she was so weak.

"Lay your hands off her!" Deathbringer screamed. It sounded pretty menacing, except he was white from the loss of blood, and he was tied up. Not to mention he was shot in the leg.

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