#Quote 17

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*Song: Skyscraper - Demi Lovato*

1) Motivation is something that has to come fro within. Someone can help you light the fire. But youve gkt to keep it burning. Cherish that flame. Don't let anyone blow it out. You're in control of how bright you shine.

2) You're at your strongest when you feel the urge to quit or cower down

3) We don't have to wait a new year to start anew, but it's alright if you want to start the year with a new you

4) And there are so many stars that we couldn't realise and apprentice, all of their beauty and individuality

5) My emotions make me feel like someone else

6) Look, I didn't power though struggle just to let a little trouble knock me out of my position and I terrupt my vision

7) Never let your dream go cold, even when your losing hope

8) It's fire, it's freedom, it's running open

9) To have courage is to be afraid, but go against what's wrong

10) You gotta be the weirdest to fight off the weird

11) Stick to people who teach you lessons that not even time can teach you

12) I still mess up but I'll start again

13) I keep fall g down, I keep hitting the ground, but I always get up now to see what next

14) I'm cautious at the wheel cause your were driving to fast, but if you took the time to check up in your rear view mirror you'd see the things your driving from are your biggest fears

15)  One year. 365 Opportunities

16) When you have an open mind, you have the best views

17) Be stronger, braver, kinder & unstoppable this year. I will be fierce

18) If people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them

19) Throw me to the wolves, and I will return leading the pack

20) Don't say maybe, if you really want to say NO. It's OK to say NO, it is a real word

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