The Best Mistake

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It's been 3 years since Lisa saved her from the depths of the scar she developed in her past relationship. It was difficult enough for her to trust anyone after her ex's "drunken mistake," let alone be in a whole new relationship, but Lisa came along and changed that.


Jisoo was devastated. She had found out that her so-called "other half" had cheated on her, and his excuse? He was drunk. If he truly loved her, even if he was drunk, his heart would've found its way back to Jisoo. But that wasn't the case.

He desperately tried explaining his side of the story, but Jisoo was already dead-set on leaving him. She's seen the signs before, but she had always shrugged it off. With the heart-wrenching confirmation, she stormed out of his place and ran to the nearest bus stop, not caring how heavy her belongings were or how many people could be there. Luckily, it was already 12am and there was only one girl sitting on the farthest side of the bench from where Jisoo was coming from. It was a bonus that the girl had earphones and a hood on so she wouldn't hear or see Jisoo crying.

As anyone would've done, Jisoo sat on the opposite side of the bench, facing away from the girl, quietly sobbing and trying to suppress making any noise in case she gets too loud for anyone to hear. To her surprise, that jerk followed her out and called out her name, but before Jisoo could stand up and run away, he grabbed her wrist and stopped her. She tried getting out of his grasp, but he wouldn't budge.

"Let go!" Jisoo screamed while hitting his chest.

"Come on, let me explain," he responded while pulling her closer for a hug.

"Get away from me!" Jisoo exclaimed as she tried pushing him away, but it was no use, he had a strong grip on her.

"Hey bud," the girl on the bench spoke up, "I think it's time for you to leave."

Their attention diverted to the random girl interfering in their fight. "I think it's time for you to stay out of this," Jisoo's ex said.

Slowly and quietly, the girl stood up without saying a word and got closer until she was beside Jisoo, making him finally let go of her while puffing his chest out. He didn't realize how tall she was or at least in similar range. "You know, I'm trying to relax here because I have problems of my own as well, but here you are, yelling in public and annoying me," she massaged her temples.

"I don't care what problems you have. Who do you think you are to butt in our conversation like this?" the jerk said before raising his right fist and swinging it, not even caring that Jisoo was beside the girl and that he could possibly hit her if he missed. The girl, who was already prepared for that circumstance, smoothly stepped back, reached her right hand out to grab Jisoo's waist, and gently placed the latter behind her, her hand still around the petite's waist. Jisoo's eyes widened and froze behind the girl as she watched the scene unfold.

"Aw, come on now, you're gonna hit a girl? How low. No wonder she left you," she sarcastically pouted as he raised his left fist, this time, her hand stopping it while tilting her head. "Wrong move, bud" she remarked with a smirk while unwrapping her right arm from Jisoo and landing a punch on his face.

As he landed on the ground, he looked up and wiped his mouth, now covered with blood. The girl took her hood off, took a step forward, leaned down to grab his collar. "Now move along before I do something worse, and trust me, you wouldn't want that," she winked and dusted off his collar before she gave him the chance to get up and walk away.

As she saw his silhouette disappearing in the distance, she turned around to see a shocked girl still frozen in her place. She walked up to her and said, "Hey, it's okay now, he's gone."

"I-i'm so sorry y-you had to get invol-" Jisoo barely managed to say before getting cut off.

"Hey, no don't worry. I actually heard you crying when it was just us two and I didn't know if I should intrude or not, but as soon as he came, I knew I should interfere. I'm Lisa by the way," the tall girl reached her hand out and Jisoo gladly shook it.

"O-oh I'm sorry, I thought you had music on, but thank you so much for saving me Lisa. I really appreciate it. Oh a-and I'm sorry for disturbing your night, I hope your problem gets resolved soon," Jisoo said.

"Stop apologizing, I just said that so I had a reason to punch him. A girl like you shouldn't have marks on their face from a trashy guy, it's the least I can do. Oh, I didn't get your name?" Lisa asked.

"Jisoo," the petite answered.

Lisa knew it would be difficult, but from that day on, she was determined to sweep Jisoo, the beautiful girl she saved at the bus stop, off her feet and call her hers.


"Hey bub," Lisa snuck behind Jisoo, who was in the kitchen making breakfast and snaked her arms around the latter's waist. "I know you hate alcohol, but I have a business meeting and it requires drinking. Are you okay with that?"

Jisoo stopped what she was doing and turned around to face her girlfriend. Her hands made its way up to wrap Lisa's neck, pulling her closer. "I trust you bubs, just don't get too drunk to the point where I have to carry you when I pick you up. I'll have to find a new girlfriend if you do."

"Heyyyy," Lisa pouted.

"I'm kiddinggg. It's only you, no one else, you know that." Jisoo quickly reassured her girlfriend, giving a quick peck on her lips.

"Hehe, I know. You're way too obsessed with me to even look at any other girl's way," Lisa teased, sticking her tongue out. Jisoo rolled her eyes and softly giggled.

Their foundation of trust was indestructible that it was okay to make jokes like that, though it was in rare occasions. Both are still considerate of each other's feelings, seeing as to what happened to Jisoo in the past. If at any time she feels that her girlfriend is uncomfortable, Lisa always reassures her that she's the only one. It makes Jisoo feel as if she hit the jackpot this time, but in her heart, she knew it couldn't get better than Lisa. And the past? It was the best mistake an ex could've done.

Hi!!! New short story! The next part will be Lisa at the bar. Don't forget to vote, it'll encourage me to write and publish more hehe!

This book will probably only be 3 or 4 chapters long, more than likely 3 though. I hope you enjoy, and if you do, spread the love ! 😉

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