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Lisa woke up and felt that the bed was empty. No Jisoo next to her. "Agh," she whined while rubbing her temples, "my head hurts!"

"Rise and shine, beautiful!" Jisoo walked into the room with a bowl. "I made some hangover soup because you got really drunk last night."

"Aish, really?! Sorry bub, I must've lost track of how much I drank. I hope you didn't have a hard time taking care of me," Lisa pouted and immediately apologized for her careless act.

"Don't worry about it, you were cute and don't apologize! It was your day, I won't limit you from having fun," Jisoo said with a wink.

"Still, you might've had a hard ti-" Lisa said before suddenly getting a spoonful of soup in her mouth.

Jisoo cut her off, "Shhh. Trust me. I'm fine. Drink your soup and sober up, silly." She gave the bowl to Lisa and got up from the bed to walk out of their room.

"Wait baby! Come give me a kiss!!!!" Lisa whined and stuck her arms out like a child as Jisoo turned around and moved forward to lean in, their faces only inches away.

She smiled as she saw Lisa's lips already puckered and said, "No can do, Manoban. Hurry up and get rid of that hangover," Jisoo teased and left Lisa hanging.

Aware of the situation, Lisa quickly put the bowl down where it was safe and quickly grabbed Jisoo's hand, as the latter was trying to walk out, to pull her in. She then placed her hands on Jisoo's waist, gently guiding the petite's body onto her lap. "You can't get away from me easily. Thanks for the soup," Lisa's voice turned into a dark tone as she buried her face in the crook of her girlfriend's neck to kiss her.

Jisoo's cheeks now flushed a burning red, "Okay, alright! Now let go and finish the soup so you can feel better."

Lisa obeyed and said, "I think I'm already feeling better," finishing her sentence with a smirk and a wink. Jisoo rolled her eyes and scoffed as she walked out of the room.

Yah, heart! Stop beating so fast! At this rate, we might explode, Jisoo quietly told her panicking heart to calm it down.

After Lisa finished her breakfast in bed, she made her way out of the room, still in her pajamas. She saw that Jisoo was relaxing on the couch while watching TV, so she sneakily crouched down behind the couch, planning to scare the innocent girl minding her business. She quietly cackled to herself and counted down before attempting to frighten the living daylights out of her girlfriend. 3, 2, 1... "BOO!" Lisa was left confused when she didn't see the older girl.

The quick witted Jisoo knew the younger had gone out of their room because she saw her reflection on the TV and immediately knew what she was going to do, so she waited until Lisa was crouched down behind the couch to execute her next move. She sneaked around the couch and waited for Lisa's scare as a signal. As soon as she heard Lisa's attempt, she ran behind the taller girl to hug her. "Boo," she whispered, "Nice try bubs, you're gonna have to do better than that to scare me."

Lisa was slightly startled and more so caught off guard by Jisoo's sudden attack. "Mannnn, how'd you know?" Lisa asked over her shoulder.

"I saw your reflection on the TV," Jisoo smirked while turning Lisa, so that they were facing each other, placing their arms on each other's waists. "How do you feel? Are you okay?"

"I'm good. I have the best medicine right here with me." Lisa pulled Jisoo in and kissed her nose, making the latter smile while scrunching her nose.

"God, you're cute," Jisoo pulled Lisa so that they were both walking to the front of the couch. She gently laid the younger down and pecked her lips, eventually turning into a passionate one.

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