The One

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Jisoo dropped Lisa off at the bar and gave her a light peck on the lips and said, "Good luck babe!"

"Thanks love!" Lisa smiled and walked out of the car.

As she walked into the bar, she was a little confused as to why everyone was already there with half empty drinks. Her boss and coworkers happily greeted her as she walked in and politely bowed to everyone she saw.

"I thought the meeting was for 8pm, am I late?" Lisa asked.

"Not at all! Tonight, we have fun! Our company's stocks have raised since you presented that wonderful proposal to our higher ups." her co-worker exclaimed and her boss quietly nodding to confirm.

Lisa worked as an app developer and these days, it was difficult to please the millennials that the company came to a slump and was slowly going bankrupt. Fortunately, Lisa's skills in computer science and her love of photography came in handy and she proposed an app that blew up the entire market. She basically saved her whole company, so it was only natural to get praised for it.

"You're getting promoted, Manoban. Good work. This celebration is for you. Now drink up," her boss said.

Lisa's eyes widened at the news and shouted, "REALLY?! OH MY GOD, THANK YOU SIR, YOU WON'T REGRET IT." She quickly took her phone out, ran to the bathroom and called Jisoo to inform her about the good news.

"GOOD JOB BABE! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!" Jisoo's ecstatic voice echoed outside the phone and into the small bathroom walls. "Now, go enjoy!!! I won't keep you long! I love you!!!"

Lisa felt a grin sneak up on her as she admired Jisoo's screeching voice over the phone. "I love you babe, I can't wait to go home! I'll call you when we're done. Byeee!" Lisa ended the call and proceeded to her celebration.

With her overwhelming happiness, Lisa forgot that her alcohol tolerance was so low and that she could only handle half a bottle of soju. She had already finished 2 bottles and one can only imagine how drunk she got, surpassing her limit.

"Yooooo, I wsnt to thdnk eberwone fir cewebrsting this speciel occesoin. Tenk yewww!" Lisa drunkenly announced.

It was now 11pm and it was time to wrap the party up. Before heading out, Lisa called Jisoo to tell her that they were almost finished and that she was ready to be picked up. "Bebehhh, we're doneee. I mishuu, plez pick meh upp. Wuv yew!!"

Jisoo giggled as she heard her girlfriend slurring her words, "Yea yea, I'm on my way. Be careful okay?"

"Okieee, hurryyy! Lisa wsnna hug youu!" Lisa said, already talking gibberish.

"Okay, okay. You're so cute, I'll be right there." Jisoo softly blushed on the other side of the phone as she sped to rescue her drunk other half in the bar.

Meanwhile in the bar, Lisa was dragged out by one of her male colleagues because the bar was closing earlier than they were supposed to. "Come on, Lisa. Let's wait outside," the man said.

As Lisa and her colleague sat down on the little indent in front of the bar, Jisoo had already arrived. She didn't want to yell out for Lisa and startle the drunk, so instead she quietly walked out of her car still going unnoticed. She stopped and hid behind a pole when she heard the man speak up, looking from afar.

"Lisa," the man next to the Thai said, making Lisa look up from her drowsiness. "You know, I've liked you for quite a while now right? I could treat you so much better than that Jisoo of yours. Give me a chance." He leaned in to try to kiss Lisa making Jisoo take a step forward, but Lisa immediately stopped him.

"Uh-uh," Lisa pointed a finger in front of his face before he could reach hers. "T-there's no wayyyy I'm gigving up my preshus Chichu. I loeve her soo mich and I'd nerver trye to hurt my baby." Jisoo's eyes widened and her heart felt like bursting after hearing her girlfriend's remark. She waited a few seconds to calm down before revealing herself.

"Hey bubs, are you okay?" Jisoo asked softly.

"Oooooooh it's my bubbyyyyy!!! Hi Chichuuu!" Lisa screeched in high pitch with a grin that stretched from ear to ear as she was waving to her girlfriend.

"I can take it from here," Jisoo told the man coldly.

"Are you su-" he got cut off.

"Yes, I can handle my girlfriend," Jisoo said while taking Lisa's arm around her shoulder and dragging her to the car. "Lisaaa, you're so heavy. You're lucky I love you."

"Hehe sowwy bebeh," Lisa raises an eyebrow as she showed Jisoo the cutest smile. Jisoo couldn't help but admire her girlfriend's beauty and smile at the sight. Seconds later, Lisa perked up and momentarily "sobered" up as she saw a store at the corner of her eye. She ran up to the store, leaving Jisoo behind and confused as to where her energy came from.

"Lisa!! Slow down, you're going to hurt yourself," Jisoo quickly reacted, trying to catch up with the drunk girl but Lisa ignored her. Finally, the latter slowed down and looked through a glass window with her hands and forehead leaning on it. Her eyes were locked on the item for so long as Jisoo finally caught up to her. "Lisa! Come on let's go home, you need to rest!" Jisoo managed to say between her heavy panting, but she noticed Lisa's gaze never faltering from the item she was looking at. Jisoo turned to look at what her girlfriend was looking at, rings.

Lisa turned to Jisoo, who was taken aback at the sight. "Bubs, I'm gonna get you one of those one day. Wait for it, okay? I love you. So much. I really do," Lisa said, trying to manage the fact that she was still drunk.

Jisoo turned to look at the taller with teary eyes and wrapped her arms around her neck, failing to hide her shaky voice. "Bubs, I love you so much. Nothing in this world can ever take you away from me. You're stuck with me, Manoban," Jisoo said before giving Lisa a quick kiss on her lips.

"Good hehe, you're mine Kim Jisoo," Lisa said as she hugged Jisoo, slowly drifting back into that god forsaken state, that is, drunk. "Babyyyy, I-i'd love to stay and chat, buuuut I'm still drunk hehehe, can we pwease go home?"

"Come here, you," Jisoo smiled as she gave Lisa a piggyback ride, so that the latter won't be able to run away anymore.

"Let's get you cleaned up, bub," Jisoo said as she willingly showered her girlfriend, dressed her, and tucked her into bed.

After getting ready for bed herself, Jisoo drifted into thought, thinking of the fact that when her ex got drunk, he cheated on her, but when Lisa got drunk, she wholeheartedly defended their relationship and looked at rings. She's the one, Jisoo thought, as she cuddled with a sleeping Lisa, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Hi! New update! I hope you guys enjoy! The third chapter is already in the works so keep an eye out for that. I have school though, so it might take a little bit before I get it up, but I'll get it up. It might be the last chapter, unless I go over the word limit hehe. Hope you enjoyed this one and don't forget to vote ;)


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