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Manik's Cabin :
After giving warning to soha manik went to his cabin and see nandini roaming around in his cabin with cute angry face ,he laughs seeing her face , hearing a laugh nandini turn and see manik smiling

Nandini ( cute angry pout ) : y r u laughing
Manik : nothing but u tell me one thing I always thought ur silent but never knew u can shout on someone

Nandini : galti uski hai she called me dumb and blind

Manik : fine , can I please get a coffee

Nandini : abhi layi

Manik POV:
haha she is one heck crazy girl , she looks cute when she is angry . What's happening with me y can't I see her in any kind of pain . Am I falling for her , I need to know what I feel am I attracted or Love

End of pov
Manik was lost in himself and his thoughts he forgot that nandini was calling him and standing with his coffee

Nandini : siiiirrrrr
Hearing loud voice manik comes back from his lost land and see nandini standing with his coffee with angry face

Manik : god nandini stop shouting one day I will become deaf

Nandini gets angry and she keeps \the cup very harshly turn to go

Manik : Ms angry bird complete this file and u have to sit in my cabin n work

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Manik : Ms angry bird complete this file and u have to sit in my cabin n work

Nandini : y ?? I have my cabin

Manik : as ur not well, maa asked me take care of u and I'm ur boss

Nandini : monster

Manik : I heard it

Nandini : good for u

Soon it was 7 and time to leave and whole day they have completed all the pending files , manik drooped nandini at her place and left to his place on the way he messaged cabir to meet him

Malhotra Mansion :
Manik was sitting near bar and having whiskey soon cabir came

Cabir : hey bro

Manik : hi

Cabir: kya hua

Manik : cabir what is love

Cabir : love aur woh bhi ur asking

Manik : ha kyu I shouldn't ask

Cabir : u can y not but question is kiskai sath love hua

Manik : nandini I don't know what I feel for her

Cabir : explain clearly

Manik : I always want her to see happy I can't see her sad or in kind of pain and seeing her smiling face makes my day happy , it's like that I can't live without her

Cabir ( smilingly ) : bro ur in love

Manik : r u serious

Cabir : 1000% yesss

Manik smiles to fullest
Cabir : keep her happy otherwise ur gone bro

Manik : I will but

Cabir : waise aaj kya hua

Manik : puchna maat she is one heck crazy girl , I thought she was calm and innocent but her when she gets angry she is like mini monster u won't believe she was fighting with soha and in angry also she looks super cute

Cabir : bro ur smitten by her

Manik : I'm I think with her cute anticsAfter spending some time with manik , cabir leaves to his house and manik goes to his  room  and lies down on his bed and lost in his thoughts or  u can say in nandini land

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Manik : I'm I think with her cute antics
After spending some time with manik , cabir leaves to his house and manik goes to his room and lies down on his bed and lost in his thoughts or u can say in nandini land

Manik Pov :
I'm in love with nandini hayeee I just love her smile , I promise I will always keep her happy and I make sure her smile stays forever . Her laugh is like music . Soon I will tell her my feelings . But does she have same feelings like I have . Hmmm first I need to know what she feel for me .

Soon he drifted to sleep .................

Precap : soha and nandini fight and angry nandini but on whom ??????

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Precap : soha and nandini fight and angry nandini but on whom ??????

Precap : soha and nandini fight and angry nandini but on whom ??????

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