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Conference Room :

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Conference Room :

Mr. Khurana arrives at 11 and they were discussing but thankfully soha hasn't come with her father otherwise it would be world war 3 between soha and nandini . Manik mentally thanks god for it , as in anger nandini becomes mini monster . After discussing a few more terms and conditions and Mr. Khurana leaves at 12

Around 1: 30 they reached JW Marriott and they go to reserved place and waits for Mr. Khanna and we see a handsome guy coming to their table

Person : hi myself Rahul Khanna
Manik : hello Mr. Khanna manik Malhotra
Rahul :who doesn't know u suddenly he looks the nandini who standing with manik
Nandini feels uncomfortable with continuous gaze and shifts more towards manik and manik feels her uneasiness and holds her hand

Rahul : who is this beautiful lady

Manik : she is my PA cum Friend nandini

Rahul : hi beautiful

Nandini : hi

Manik : can we start the meeting
Throughout the meeting nandini was feeling uncomfortable due to rahul gaze and manik anger was increasing , suddenly manik gets up and seeing manik in anger nandini gets scared

Manik : deal is cancel

Rahul : what but y

Manik : I hate people like u who doesn't respect girls so that's y nandini let's go

Nandini quickly stands up and goes with manik

Both sat in the car manik drove to the beach so that he can be calm a little , manik was walking from one end to the other end and nandini was just moving her head in whichever direction manik is walking cutely

Nandini : manik

Manik : what nandini

Nandini : can u please stop walking my head is paining seeing u walking

Manik : What ?? have u lost ur mind y will ur head pain seeing me walking

Nandini : ohh since the time we came ur moving from here to their and I'm watching u na isliye

Manik : ohh god

Nandini : can u please calm down

Manik : how can I calm down that bloody idiot was checking u out that to infront of me

Nandini : but y r u worried

Manik : who ur my responsibility and I promised maa that I will look after isliye

Nandini : ok I'm hungry

Manik : come we will go and have something and start our journey

Nandini : ok

Manik and nandini went to 4seasons and had their lunch , and manik drove to office as they forgot some file and from office they went to angel orphanage to get nandini spare clothes from emergency purpose and started their journey to Lonavala

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