Stars Reignite

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*outside of the secret entrance*

Applejack/AJ- *bucks the walls*

*everyone gets out*

Unicorn Stallion- *worriedly to them* What are you all doing out in the open? *scared* Hide! *shocked as he sees the princes and princesses* Your majesties! *bows*

Solaris- *serious* Where is everypony?

Unicorn 1: *concerned* The unicorns have been gathering in the School of Magic ever since the attack. That's where I was headed when I saw you.

Rainbow Dash: *concerned* What about the Earth ponies and Pegasi?

Unicorn 1: It's everypony for themselves.

Applejack: That ain't right.

Unicorn 1: Well, you can all stand out here and debate. I'm goin' where I'm safe. *the unicorn leaves*

Spike: Chrysalis was telling the truth. They really have turned ponies against each other.

Applejack: Everypony's scared, that's all.

AJ- *serious* We just need to get to Ponyville and find a place to hide. They'll know how to set things right.

Eris- *concerned* We need to keep Twilight and Dusk hidden for now. We wouldn't want everypony knowing that all hope is lost.

Cadence- *with Flurry in her hooves* We need to check on our citizens in the Crystal Empire.

Celestia- *nods* Go. Your citizens need all of you, in case we fail. Shining Armor and Gleaming Shield are the last line of defense.

Shining/Gleaming- *nods seriously*

*the four bend down and kiss Twilight and Dusk on their cheeks and nuzzle them tearfully*

*Cadence and Bolero fly off with Flurry and Fluffy while Shining and Gleaming levitate and follow them*

*they all head to Ponyville*

*in Ponyville*

[earth ponies chattering in worry as they're gathered at Town Hall]

Mayor Mare: Please, stay calm! I know it seems bad, but there's no need to panic!

"Winter Lotus": Give us one good reason not to!
[ponies yelling]

Mayor Mare: [sighs in relief as she sees the Mane 5, Colt 5, Spike, and Barbra and the Royals] Because Ponyville's own heroes of Equestria are here to save us! And our Princes and Princesses as well!

*the Royals land on the balcony of the townhall*

*the citizens get quiet*

Discord/Eris- *hides themselves and Twilight and Dusk in a bush*

Applejack: *looks at her family* Where'd all these ponies come from?

Granny Smith: *concerned* Earth ponies been pourin' in lookin' for somewhere safe.

"Winter Lotus": *glares* We don't have unicorn magic to protect us or a city in the sky to hide in like those cowardly Pegasi!

Rainbow/Blitz: *glares at her* Cowardly?!

[clouds rumbling as everyone sees Cloudsdale being blocked off]

"Winter Lotus": *glares* They're blocking Cloudsdale! Said they didn't want any "grounded" ponies up in their business!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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