A Sucessful Plan

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*in Canterlot a unicorn baker is walking with supplies to the castle when he's called over by a green unicorn mare in the bushes*

Chrysalis- *in disguise* Hello my unicorn friend, have you heard?

Unicorn Baker- *smiles* About Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk's coronation? Who hasn't? I'm on my way there now. So much baking to do and-

Chrysalis- *false concern* No, no, about the earth ponies.

Unicorn Baker- *concerned* I heard their crops have been under performing, but...

Chrysalis- *serious* That's not it...They're hoarding everything for themselves! *glares* I heard the Mayor of Appleoosa say that if unicorns and pegasi want to eat, they can use their own hooves to dig.

Unicorn Baker- *glares* Scandalous!

Chrysalis- *smirks* We unicorns should stick together, right? *winks*

Unicorn Baker- *nods and goes to the castle and ignores Mrs. Cake who waves*

Mrs. Cake- *confused*

Chrysalis- *chuckles sinisterly as she walks away*

*back at Grogar' hideout*

Tirana- *smirks* Ah, Chrysalis, another successful trip, was it?

Chrysalis- *grins evilly* Sowing the seeds of distrust between earth ponies and unicorns is almost too easy!

Metamorphosis- *serious* We can take down Twilight, Dusk, and their friends a hundred times, but as long as they have the "love" of Equestria behind them, they'll crawl back to defeat us. *evilly* Not anymore.

Cozy- *smirks* No friendship, no magic!

Comfy- *smirks* It's so obvious when you think about it, so Cozy and I sowed discord between the pegasi.

Tirek- *flipping through the book* And Grogar's long absence gave us plenty of time to prepare the next step in our plan.

Tirana- *explains* Grogar's bell! It can steal the magic of any creature. And it will stay captured until the magic is freed with this spell, so all the magic in the bell will be ours.

Metamorphosis- *unamused* Are you two sure you got the translation right this time?

Tirana- *glares* It's a difficult dialect.

Chrysalis- *serious* Let's try the spell before Grogar returns, *glares* I am done with the "masterful plan" of that old goat...

Tirek/Tirana- *outstretches their claws* Take our hands...

*Cozy, Comfy, Chrysalis, and Metamorphosis look at them*

Tirana- *smirks* So we'll all partake in the spell, unless you'd prefer Tirek and I take all the magic for ourselves!

*the six hold hands*

Metamorphosis- *serious* Our pact stands. What we do, we do together.

Chrysalis- *serious* Until we manage to overthrow Twilight, Dusk, and their friends-

Cozy/Comfy- *gleefully* We're in to destroy Twilight and Dusk!

Tirek/Tirana- *glares* And Celestia, Solaris, Luna, and Artemis.

*Tirek and Tirana activate the spell activate Grogar' bell and turns Chrysalis and Metamorphosis into more powerful changelings, Tirek and Tirana in their third forms, and Cozy and Comfy into alicorns*

*the six laugh evilly*

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