Seungmin - Dog

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Walking together with your group of friends you found yourself a room all of you could use during your study time. You were supposed to do whatever homework you had left in whatever subject, but you being the master of procrastination decided to find a room away from the teachers to binge watch a series you had recently gotten into. You sat down in one of the chairs and put out your pencil case and notebooks on display in case the teacher came by to check in on you guys. You then took out your phone and started watching the series, while your friends were doing whatever. You didn't really care as all of you just wanted to procrastinate and not actually do the homework.

You had been watching your series for about an hour and thirty minutes when the person you hated the most walked in. Kim Seungmin. The reason you hated him seemed dumb to everyone else, but you just couldn't deal with him. You knew he was nice, cause you had talked to him at the start of the year but after a while he had become so intrusive. You really liked him as a friend at first, but as time passed his habits had started to annoy the crap out of you, and you felt annoyed just by hearing his name. He was quite smart and when you needed help he would help you out if you asked for it, but he would always spread out his elbows on your desk and sit within your personal bubble that was too close to your personal liking. At first it was fine but he soon started to cling to your group, like some dog.

You realised he didn't really seem to have any close friends in school and felt bad for him. But even though you felt bad for him you couldn't help but get annoyed when he started telling you that you should do your homework, or start practicing for your test over a week in advance if you were at school and sitting procrastinating. When you started hearing that regularly you couldn't help but despise him as time passed. He would also join your groups when you were working in groups without asking and just invite himself along to everything you and your group of friends were doing, and every time there was free space beside you in class you would always come up with an excuse to make him unable to sit next to you. Now you were looking at him as he said a hi to everyone making you force yourself to say hi back to him. He proceeded to sit down on a desk in front of you, his back facing you.

You just continued to watch your series making comments about it out loud from time to time like you had done before even though you were using earphones. None of your friends had minded before, but of course now that Seungmin was here he just couldn't keep his mouth shut. “Uhh, Y/n? Could you please be quiet? I'm trying to study here.” You didn't respond and tried to keep your cool at first. Your friend that was sitting beside you working on some chemistry tasks asked him for help. Him being the nice guy he was immediately went over to help her. Now imagine this, you were sitting on a desk and you were sat on the middle of the three desks, a friend of you on each side, meaning each of your friends were sitting on a “edge” with free space next to them. The desks were pushed together so there was no space between your desk and theirs.

And for some fucking reason, Kim Seungmin decided to sit in between you and your friend, instead of using all the free space next to your friend. And as normal he would spread his legs and his elbows outwards, using as much space as possible, taking more than half of your desk as well as your friends'. That was it for you, you couldn't tolerate him a second longer. You stood up almost shouting at him. “Seungmin can you stay the fuck out of my personal bubble! You're so fucking clingy and use so much fucking space it's unbearable for me! And you can't just join our groups out of nowhere without asking, and you can certainly not tell me what the fuck to do! And do not come into the room I am when I have been there for over 30 fucking minutes and tell me to be quiet because you need to study!”

“If you have a problem with me then you should just fucking leave and go into another room! No one else here gives a shit if I makes some comments here and there! So just leave and mind your own fucking business!” Everyone in the room was staring at you in shock, but none of your friends commented on your actions, cause they kind of agreed. They didn't hate him as much as you did, but they did find him a little annoying as well. Even though you knew you were overdramatic and mean, you didn't regret your actions a single bit. When he didn't move or say anything, you quickly packed your stuff not wanting to look at him for another second. You threw your backpack over your shoulder and barged out the school, going home.



So this is based off of someone from my school and he actually does all of this. Am I mean? Yes, and I know I am a bad person, but I can't stand him for some reason. But I have never yelled at him and told him I despise him though. I could, but he is so sensitive so I don't dare...

Q: What is your biggest pet peeve?

A: Mine is when people I am not comfortable with invades my personal space

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