chapter 8

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It was the evening of the big game and monty was driving me there with him. Id been coaching him on it all day. I told him not to stress and that he'll do great. He held my hand tightly until we got to the boys locker room. "Hey, you'll do great. Go tigers or whatever" i said holding his face. He smiled at me and gave me a big kiss. He gave me such a big hug that i almost came off the ground. He smiled at me again and ran into the locker room. I could hear the boys whooping and one of the boys said "your so whipped for that girl monty. Theres loads of other cute girls that wanna fuck you too" i didnt really care as i knew monty would defend me.

I found my friend Tony in tje stands. "Long time no see padilla, been busy?" i asked lighty punching him in the shoulder. "If it isnt my favorite fire starter, how you been coles?" he gave a small hug. "This is my boyfriend Caleb" he continued.
"Its really great to meet you, im Amira but people call me Amy" i shook calebs hand and he gave me a warm smile. I could already tell he was a chill and okay guy. We waited a short while until THE LIBERTY TIGERS cam out on the field. We were near the top so we could see everything. One after another the boys piled out of the locker room. I saw Monty "KICK THEIR ASS BABE" i shouted from the stand. I was really loud. He heard me. "YOU CAN DO THIS PRINCESS" i carried on. He flipped me off and i blew him a kiss. He pretended to catch it and fell on the grass. Drama queen. He slipped on his helmet and got to position. The game kicked off and monty had the ball. He was running really fast. He got knocked down and i had to contain myself from beating that kid up. Caleb left to go get hot dogs and tony turned to talk to me. "So you and Monty huh? Yeah i totally wouldnt have guessed" his sarcasm wasnt funny. "Im not THAT predictable am i" Caleb came back with hot dogs and he had one for me too. I insisted on paying him back but he just told me to eat the damn dog wich got a few weird stares. Monty once again had the ball and he managed to score. It was 21-18 and we were losing. Half time came along and i had to go speak to monty. I guess he wanted to talk to me too. He made his way quickly up the stairs of the stand. "You were great!" i said embracing him. "Awh gee thanks mom" he replied laughing. "I cant stay but i love you baby"
"I love you too...Oh and if anyone touches you again ill beat the shit out of them" i told him.
"Baby its football. Thats just what happens" he laughed at my silly remark. I sat back down and waited for the second half to begin.

The whole thing was a blast and we ended up winning wich was really great. Monty scored the winning point and i knew it meant a lot to him. If it meant that much to him then it meant that much to me too. I didnt really know how football worked but i tried. I met Monty outside of the field and he seemed so fucking happy. Football was his life. "COMGRATUFUCKINLATIONS YOU!!" I screamed at him while running towards the boy. I jumped at him and he lifted me up for a short bit. I gave him the biggest hug ever. I was so pround of my baby. "Im surposed to go to bryces...but i just wanna chill and celebrate with you" He moaned at me. I told him that it was fine snd we got in the jeep. I do admit to giving him a blowjob in the car and i watched as his viens became more apparent. We pulled up just as i have finished. I gave him a kiss. "You just tasted your own dick bitchh" i poked his face. He kissed me again and we exited his jeep. I noticed a car that wasnt mine in the drive way. I opend the door "hello?" i shouted.
"Hi hun its dad. Im in the kitchin" my dad was finally home. But on the day i had monty over. Then i realised. Montys stuff was in my room. He'd been staying over for a while and he had his bag and some clothes just lying there in my room. Me and monty slowly and quietly made it through the living room and i pushed monty up the stairs. "Whos this then" I heard from behind me. "Uhm dad, this is boyfriend" i turned around to see my dad. "Oh i see. How long have you two been-" my dad started.
"A month...sorry to interrupt. We've been dating for a month sir. I treat her right and i will continue to i promise" monty explained.
"Oh ok...well can i grab you for a chat Montgomery" my dad asked. Face meet palm. Monty gulped and i told him id meet him upstairs. My dad took monty and they both sat down on the sofa. "Lets cut to the chase, your dating my daughter....i need to know have you two...uhm...yanno?" i felt Monty cringe from a mile off. "I wont lie to you yes..." he begun.
"But shes an amazing girl and she makes me a better person. In the month we've been dating shes turned my world brighter. Infact, she is my world. And i promise to treat her well and love her for as long as ever." i could feel myself almost cry out of happyness. "Well thats good to hear...but its not me you make that promise to. Its her....and her mother....i dont want you to forget i have a shotgun and jm not afraid to use it" my dad made me cringe.
"Got it sir" Monty finally escaped from my dad and headed to meet me upstairs. "No funny business" he shouted from the stairs. "Well there goes my fun for the night" monty joked.
"I heard that" my dad exclaimed from the stairs again. We both laughed. I decided to play COD with Monty on the XBOX. I had killed him like a trillion times before on it. I snuck up on him and distracted him so i could win.
"I went easy on you" he would say.
"No your just shit at playing. Period" i replied
"Ok sure sure"
"Oh come on princess you dont have to look so sad that you lost"
"Your so going down for that"
And with that he attacked me with kisses and tickles. I couldn't stop laughing. He gave me a big hug again. "Mmm i love you" he repeated again and again. I kissed his forehead and we got ready for bed. I had decided to sleep in Montgomerys football shirt. I plonked myself into bed and rested on Montys bare chest. He was so warm. I started to kiss his chest and he held me tight. I fell asleep silently on him.

I woke up for what felt like the third time this morning. Once again i tried to get out of bed but monty just held me back "five more minutes baby"
"You said the same thing fifteen minutes ago Monty" i shook my head and got out of bed. Monty made this like fake cry noise and i rolled my eyes at him. "Dont be a baby Monty" i told him, putting on some booty shorts. "But im cold now" he replied back pretending to shiver. "That dont work on me" ad with that i pulled off the duvet and tugged on his feet. I pulled him towards me. I gigled and threw him a pair of boxers i washed and his clothes. It was still school so we couldnt sleep in. After breakfast i put on my outfit and was ready to go. Monty was wearing some grey sweats and it look reallll hot. "Damn baby you look stunning can i buy you a drink" i said slapping his ass again. He put me over his shoulders and threw me in the jeep. At school the atmosphere was a lot different. "Hey have you heard?" Justin came up to me with Tony and Jess. I shook my head and they looked at monty. "What?" he said.
"Well, bryce walker is still pissed off from the party and he said hes gonna beat the shit out of you both" i stood there with my mouth wide open. Me and Monty both fell into hysterics and we were almost on the floor laughing. I would look at him and he would look at me and we would just start laughing again. "Im sorry what? Thats the funniest shit ive heard all day" I confessed. "Hes gonna beat the shit out of the two people who could have literally killed him that night" Monty added and we started laughing again. "This is serious guys" Jess whispered loudly somehow. "No...yeah i get it...." i tapped monty "totally yeah...its a serious accusation you know...we should all just sit down and-" we began laughing once again. I could see bryce come around the corner and i hit montys chest to signal him. "Hey bryce! So uhm your gonna beat the shit out of me? Ok then!" i put no distance between us, monty close behind and justin behind him. Bryce was a bit taller then me but i never said no to a fight. "Come on then, wassup? You wanna go then lets go" i taunted him and pushed him. "I dont like verbalists Walker. I also dont like rapists. So if you wanna keep talking then dont worry im here allllllll day"
I looked at Monty and then back at bryce.
"Hit me. I fucking dare you. Take a swing big man" he put down his bag and walked towards Monty.
I followed behind and met on the side of him. Monty dropped his bag too. "You wanna run somewhere or what?" i taunted again.
"Tell your little slut to back down." Bryce had just said the wrong thing. Before monty could react i took a swing for bryces face and kicked him in the balls. He fell to the floor, me and monty jumped on him. I kept hitting his nose and hoped it woukd break. Bryce hit me but that just fired Monty up even more. "Go off then and fuck me up! You wanna run your mouth then you better have the fists to defend yourself! Your the one who tried touching me up so whats good?!" i was still punching when Justin lifted me off of Bryce. Monty got off him aswell. His fists red and Bryces face red too.

I Think I Love You - MontgomeryWhere stories live. Discover now