Chapter 20

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I had zero words. Everything i could have said was stolen. I felt myself hug myself. It was crazy. What did she say? I couldnt remember anything. What was my name? Who was she? Where was i? Reality snapped back.

I was pregnant. What? How?whos was it? She held my hands and gave me a hug. I felt a tear trickle down my face. Monty could see us and he rushed in. "IS SHE GOING TO DIE? OH MY GOD NO!" he shouted. I stuttered. The nurse nodded at me and i felt immediate reassurance. I was supposed to tell him im pregnant. Then i realised. Monty was the only one who I'd been seeing, well fucking for the past five or six months. "Monty please sit down." I told him.

"Are you going to die?"

I stared him deeply in the eys and spoke softly but lohd enough.

"Monty, I'm pregnant."


Then the sound came. It was Monty. He seemed weird. "Are you serious?" He asked. I started to cry a little more. I nodded at him. I felt guilty and weak. I couldnt feel anything. He smiled. Then it got bigger. He hugged me so tight. "At least your not going to die." He whispered to me.
"Is it mine?" He asked, finally pulling away. I nodded again, feeling more guilty now.

"FUCK YES! OH MY GOD IM A REAL DADDY NOW!" He shouted. He was ecstatic. He was so happy. I felt so relieved. He started running around the room. I laughed and wiped away my tears. He sat back down and just smiled at me. "Were gonna have a beautiful baby and im going to love it and care for it. Your going to be amazing and im going to support you. Its our little family now. Its us and the baby. I love you. And him" He said.

"Hold up how do we know its a HIM" i joked.

"Well i dunno"

"Exactly. You need a little girl to put you in your place Montgomery."

"But im sure it will be a boy"

"Nah its a girl i bet"

We joked over this the whole day. It was so funny. But something would not leave my mind. It wasnt the fact that i was seventeen and pregnant. It was my parents. Where were they? I hoped they would visit me and let me explain. I hoped that they wouldnt be too mad. I know my mom can get a bit off the charts sometimes.

Phone call to dad

Hey dad...
Why didnt they tell us you woke up? Are you okay? Im going to come right now okay?
Dad im pregnant.
Oh. Don't worry, im not mad at you. You clearly didnt mean for it. I wont tell your mother if you dont want me to. I love you. Do you know whos it is? pretty sure its Montys.
Okay...hows he taking it?
Better then me i suppose. Hes already talking about the gender and names and all that jazz.
Wow so hes completely fine with it?
I think so.
Well thats great news. Ill see you soon though. I love you hon.
Bye dad i love you too.

End call

I felt even more relieved, my dad was fine with it...i think. I just couldnt believe Montys reaction. He was so supportive. Im glad it was his. And we made sure of it too. I knew i hadnt slept with anyone else. I felt strange though. It was a good strange. The nurse told me it was the Motherhood effect. She got it herself. Its apparently where you become a mom and nobody is annoyed or something like that.

An hour or so later my parents turned up and i received a massive hug from them both. Mom was in tears. I guess dad couldnt keep it in but id didnt care too much. "So how far along is she?" Mom asked the nurse. "Well its only in the first week or so. Id say about nine or ten days. You can still get an abortion if you want to" The nurses words disgusted me. Im fine with abortions but the thought of me having an abortion now terrified me. I shook my head and Monty sighed in relief. I guess he really did want this baby.

Both my mom and dad took over so Monty could finally leave and have a shower or gets some sleep. Probably both actually he was starting to smell a tiny bit. He gave me a kiss and a hug before leaving. He also told me that he would be on speed dial and would check up on me after school. He was such a cute and supportive little bean inside and out. I love him so freaking much. "So we dont know what the gender is yet?" Dad asked as i shook my head. "Have you got any names yet? I know its early days but you can never be over prepared. Believe me"

"Well Monty suggested Little Shit but i dont think that would work. Although he did talk about the name Melissa if it was a girl. And i said about calling the baby, if its a boy Danny after Grampa"

"Danny sounds cute"

My parents had to leave around nine as work needed them the next morning. I was fine though. I needed to be alone with my thoughts. I needed time to think about my future. I guess with this baby its was going to kinda go down the drain but i was willing to work my ass off. I needed to tell my friends though. I know one person who wouldnt judge me or make fun of me. He was the type to be supportive and fun and helpful. He was the type to, if i was busy (and because he doesnt know how things work) ask if he could breast feed the baby himself. Obviously i would have to remind him only women can do that. And that was Zach.

Phone call to Zach.

Hey zachie
Hey Amira, are you okay? I heard about what happend. Did anything happen to you when you fell? Please tell me your okay.
Yeah Zach im fine...i need to talk to you though...its important. Monty is comming by the hospital around four-ish can you come aswell?
Yeah of course! I would love to.
Thanks Zee. Ill see you then. Also can you bring some Tech or maths work with you?
Wait, you WANT me to bring maths? But you hate it.
I know but pleeeeeaaase?
You know i will, love ya Amy.
Love you Zee.

End call

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