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When they reached the tunnels-Brett was not there and through the hunters' wits-or so, Gerard Argent, he had caused the distressed, younger female to panic and run around blindly as Emilia and Liam were left to their own devices of trying to find ...

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When they reached the tunnels-Brett was not there and through the hunters' wits-or so, Gerard Argent, he had caused the distressed, younger female to panic and run around blindly as Emilia and Liam were left to their own devices of trying to find the hunters.

Gerard had intelligently used Brett's blood and trailed for Lori to climb up the sewers, but to meet her demise of being hit by truck by one of the hunters who was waiting above.

Emilia had helplessly tried to take her pain away-but she knew...that she couldn't take the pain away when there wasn't any...

Her former pack member was already on the last of her breath, and the pain was gone.

Her final words said through her last breath," It's not your fault"

Emilia and Liam both transformed and vulnerable-both grieving to the dead and lone werewolf on the ground. It was only going to get harder for them once the many eyes had seen their forms.

School. Was. hell.

Emilia was beside Liam the whole time, and both of them had their hands interlocked listening to the voice of their schoolmates-whispering and insulting them.

They were being treated like monsters-even if they were far from being so.

Then when it came to class-that was where things only got worse.

Gabe had beat Liam endlessly, while Mason and Corey held Emilia back from attacking him-their classmates just stood there and Mrs Finch just stood back and let it go-then cowardly leaving.

The rage and anger had started overtaking Emilia having Corey try and overpower her as he held her back-but luckily before she transformed, Coach Finstock arrived

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!!?" Finstock yelled, but unlike his normal raised voice, this one was venomous and bitter-it even had the werewolves present slightly fear his anger. He shoved past the students angrily," WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!!?"

He reached over and grabbed Gabe," Back off!!" He yelled even louder looking around to the other students who were just standing there watching. Finstock then grabbed onto Nolan pulling them towards him," GET TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE!! NOW!!!!" He shoved them not even caring how rough he was.

He was beyond angry as he looked down to Liam whose face was completely covered in blood causing his breathing to become aggressive looking at each of the students," What the hell is this?!" He peered at each of them now outing them as the monsters of just standing there.

"Get out!! All of you!!" He waved his hands around," I can't stand to look at your faces!"

Emilia had broken out of Corey's hold, quickly making her way next to Liam, and removing her cardigan wiping the blood off his face.

Finstock knelt down next to her and looked at him-pain was written all over his face at the sight of blood.

She and the boys helped him stand up, as Finstock took one last look and left the room.

"I can't believe you did that," Mason said exasperatedly

Liam let out a small chuckle through his pained breathing," Like Clark Kent, right?" He looked at his best friend who nodded his head-still uneasy with the amount of blood but forced a smile," Y-Yeah, Clark Kent" He fell into an embrace with Mason lingering for a while trying to steady his breathing as he slowly healed.

"I think the upside of getting beat up-" Liam suddenly spoke up pulling his head back looking at Emilia," Was getting my memories of you back, Emilia"

Her eyes widen at his words, feeling her eyes sting-but instead of just throwing her arms around him she let out a chuckle and lifted her blood-stained cardigan," You owe me a new one, Dunbar"

He let out a small laugh at her words, pulling her into his arms," God, I love you"

"I love you too, stupid-and yes I'm going to call you that from now on" She whispered into his ear, slightly tightening her embrace.

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