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"I can't believe you found him" Emilia looked at Juniper who was humming and let out a chuckle

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"I can't believe you found him" Emilia looked at Juniper who was humming and let out a chuckle

"I told you, I can always find the idiot," She said in pride and then nudged her head," The two in there, what is your pack going to do?"

Emilia followed her gaze and looked at the two in the cells," I'm sure Scott is trying to persuade the Sheriff"

"What do you want to do?" Juniper looked up at her," Aren't they the last of your former pack?" Emilia still didn't know if Brett made it out alive or not, so all she did was nod timidly.

"I know they're not innocent," She said softly," But-I know what it's like to be driven to the point of revenge"

"I can help" Juniper folded her arms

"Theo's not gonna like it"

"You're right-" Theo walked over to them," What makes you think I'd agree?"

"I don't need your permission Raeken" Juniper challenged," It's thanks to Emilia I found you, so we both owe it to her"

"It's senseless," He told her and she just kept her eyes locked on his own not saying anything. "You just said they're not innocent" this time he looked at Emilia

"You weren't either," She said firmly making him sigh and Juniper nod her head "We're helping them, Theo"

"I swear this is the only time I'm agreeing to help on something like this" He grumbled following after her.

Emilia walked over the Sheriff's office but halted hearing the sounds from outside.

"Sheriff, we need to get Jiang and Tierney out of here. Before anyone realizes that they're here" Scott tried to persuade him

"And take them where?" Noah said sternly," I can't let them go"

Lydia stepped forward speaking next "But if you keep them here there-"

"Look if there's a problem-" He cut them off, but was silenced to a blinding light filling all the windows

"The problem is already here" Emilia opened the door making them turn to her. Noah grit his teeth and ran out of the office past her

"Get away from the windows" He ordered the officers," Put those guns away"

"I'm guessing you know whose out there," Parrish said grimly making the Sheriff let out a breath," I got a pretty good idea"

"They'll be armed to the teeth"

"Which is why I don't be-"

Emilia felt Liam slip his hand into her own making her turn her attention to him," How many can you detect out there?"

"A dozen at most" She whispered," But as Parrish said, they are all armed-and my best bet is that they got all kinds of wolfsbane"

"We have to get out of here!" Malia said in panic

"Give them a chance, he knows what he's doing" Scott waved her off turning his head back to the window

"I am giving him a chance; he can talk all he wants but we have to get the hell out of here"

"How are we getting Jiang and Tierney out?" Liam said

"Screw them-that's Stilinski's job!"

"But it's our job to keep them alive" Scott now turned away from the window trying to calm Malia-though before she could speak up, the door opened revealing Juniper and Theo

"Not mine," Theo said annoyed making Juniper shake her head

"You want me to kill him?" Liam stepped forward making Emilia shake her head as well

Both of the females shared a look to each other 'boys' was all they thought.

"Just leave him" Malia waved her hand looking at Scott," Can we please just go?"

"We're not going anywhere? Do you understand? We're trapped, they got all the windows covered! We're going to die in here" Quinn who was hugging herself said in annoyance

"Can we kill her?" Theo pointed at the werewolf

"No one is killing anyone" Juniper pushed his hand down," I already called for help, they'll be here soon"

"How soon?" Emilia tuned out of listening to the conversation outside with Monroe and Noah

"Well, give them time-they are just humans" Juniper folded her arms," But I need you to buy time-because as a former hunter, I can tell you that no matter what Stilinski says out there, or what they tell him-they are in for the kill, and it's your job to make sure they don't succeed"

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