Flames Of Forthcoming Death

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     The first day of school is something everyone loves. What's not to love about it, new classes, new friends, it's a day full of hope and potential for a new year. However, I like the first day of school for an entirely separate reason. You see, I have a unique ability. When I look at people, I can see a certain color enveloping them, swirling around them like fire. Over time I learned that the color of this fire determines how much longer they have to live. People around my age are usually blazing with a solid green color, which I've learned means they've got plenty of time left. A fair number have an orangish tint to their flames, which tends to foretell a vehicle crash, or something else in that field of death. Anything that signifies them dying "before their time" if you will. It gets real fun when their auras are a deep, glowing, fiery shade of red. When they have this color, it means they're basically a walking target to death itself, meaning anything from suicide to a gory murder can happen. It gives my heart such a rush to see these flames igniting their very souls.

With all this in mind, I usually try to get to class early so I can predict in my head what will happen to my classmates based on their fire. The first kid's flames were so red and so frightening that static was shocking the nearby air. I remember seeing this one other time when I went fishing, and only seconds after seeing it, the man with the swirling hurricane of red flames died from a shark attack. So I figured it meant death was right around the corner. I chuckled to myself, imaging how messed up this kids death would be. But as more and more people walked in, they all had the same, torrid red flames, with static shocking the air. I finally caught a glimpse of my blazing reflection in the window. The same flames licking the air around my body. I was too stunned to move or talk. But then, the teacher walked in.

His flames were a repulsive shade of green.

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