The Horror Of The Angels

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      A meteor crashed, and a creature of tremendous size and power emerged. From all over the world, mankind stared in awe as this creature looked around, it was green with a small white mask on its head, and huge claws for hands. It had an enormous red gem on it's chest. The creature was captured on high definition video, and broadcasted for the whole world to see.

It approached a city, the civilians gazing in admiration. After mere minutes of seeing this massive being, it was dubbed an "Angel" since it came from the sky.

As it stared at the city, it lifted one of it's humongous clawed arms. It's arm went twice as high as the skyscrapers. People were blinded by their admiration for the Angel, and didn't even realize what it had done seconds after. In the time it would take to blow out a candle, the Angel's arm came crashing down in the direct center of the city. The sheer force of the crash sent shockwaves everywhere, blowing up anything and everything in a 100 mile radius. The ruins, which was a lively city a few minutes ago, burned and baked with fresh blood in front of the creature.

Only a few cameras were still active, immediately the screams of humanity could be heard all over the world. The angel had just transformed a city into a crater.

Nearly a year went on, the military and government trying desperately to abolish this creature. Every attempt failing to even scratch it. They'd hurl bullets, missiles, diseased gasses, even tons and tons of pure acid. Nothing even causing damage.

Half the world's population was wiped out by the time they had gotten somewhere. Nuclear warfare seemed to catch it's attention. However, it quickly worked around this. A missile half the size of the angel was sent flying it's way, filled with radiation and pure nuclear power, but the creature just lifted its clawed hand up, and caught the missile, hurdling it back towards the direction it came from.

Humanity was ready to give up, but, one detail on this creature made them think of a plan. The red gem on it's chest. This was their last chance to save themselves, and their planet. Humanity's last resort.

The angel's enormous red gem on it's chest was focused, using enough nuclear power to turn the moon's surface to crystal clear glass. The creature's arms melted from the radiation, and the gem was destroyed, effectively ending humanity's struggle. They had killed an Angel.

Mankind celebrated, feeling relief for the first time in nearly a year. They had finally saved themselves.

But then, three more meteors crashed down to Earth.

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