Chapter 2

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'CRASH' the sentence Gajeel tried to say was interrupted, when the four dragon slayers got close to the sound they couldn't believe their eyes there was a sad pinkette sitting next to not one but 4 graves...

Wendy's POV:
I saw Natsu sitting next to 4 graves but I couldn't see names only..coding like symbols 'could this be a secret language Natsu knows?who died?why is he sad now when he was mad a few seconds ago?' I had all of these questions flowing through my head filling it up until I felt like I was going to explode out a bunch of questions but the sight, is a sight I might never see again despite the burned tree in the corner... near the graves there was a beautiful blossom-like tree wildlife​ was everywhere a built in house from vines, sticks, and flowers
there were also some beautiful pastel shining dots surrounding the hand-made house but one do was a crimson red almost like Erza's hair but darker I decided to push it aside

 near the graves there was a beautiful blossom-like tree wildlife​ was everywhere a built in house from vines, sticks, and flowersthere were also some beautiful pastel shining dots surrounding the hand-made house but one do was a crimson red almos...

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*Ignore the girl**all art goes to the artist not me*

(background is not mine give credit to the real artist but the rest is mine you know the dots are mine

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(background is not mine give credit to the real artist but the rest is mine you know the dots are mine...)
Natsu noticed us and suddenly started to feel happy he jumped up and down in place then ran to Laxus giving him a bear hug..for me it's really normal for Natsu to suddenly hug Laxus, Laxus looks like he's taking advantage of Natsus Sensitive month just to make an excuse for being nice to the fire mage.

Lasxus' POV
I looked at Natsu he looked at the rest of the dragon slayers and 2 exceeds suddenly in the blink of an eye he switched from sad to jumping around excited for whatever reason he then hugged me I as natural choice choose to hug back the emotional slayer "He fell asleep.."I heard Gajeel say "I'll carry him to the guild and you guys will help with food for him"I ordered with a death glare of course Wendy instantly said "H-Hai Laxus-san" but Gajeel just stared at me with a grin on his face simply stated "blessed with gay powers" I swear I'm going to kill that garbage can meanwhile Wendy just stares not knowing what that meant...until it hit her "YOUR GAY TOO!!?"she then turned her head so fast toward Gajeel that I felt like she was going to break a neck bone she said something so hilarious that I couldn't stop laughing my ass off

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