Chapter 4

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Normal POV:

Next Day.................................................

Natsu and the guild were getting ready to head toward the water park, while Natsu is trying to avoid Gray at all costs the dragon slayers are blocking Gray's accessibility to go toward Natsu. While reaching the train stop the dragon slayers looked green, Wendy was using her troia spell on the dragon slayers, Natsu looked over to erza with pleading eyes that tell you 'please knock me out' Erza seemed to get the message and hit Natsu in his weak point that only she knows how to trigger; making him faint, fully knowing that trioa spell doesn't work on poor Natsu anymore...all the dragon slayers looked at Natsu with sympathetic eyes also knowing that Natsu can't use the troia spell anymore because his immune system is more complex and unique than the rest of the normal mages and dragon slayers all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation dragon slayers.

time skip~(in the water park)~

When they arrived at the water park Erza (followed by Natsu) went to book some rooms "hello, may we book some rooms" Erza said "ok sign your name in this paper while we get...." The person at the counter stopped like if she was waiting for a response Natsu however caught up faster than Erza and thinked outloud "does 2 rooms sound good for team Natsu?" "yes, thank you Natsu but...are you sure your ok yo usually don't use your brain" Erza teased "yeah, yeah let's just get this over with" Natsu said while puffing and pouting, Erza however knew about sensitive month...Wendy told her so she can help her out but now since Erza knows about sensitive month she is really careful with her words around the dragon slayers since they wont tell her whose month it is, but now......she knows that Natsu is in his sensitive month and she will use that to her advantage to torture him with the most deadliest things for man kind

......................................... shopping.

When Erza and Natsu reached/cached up ( i don't really know which to put -_-) with Lucy, Wendy, Gray, and Happy the water park instantly gave Natsu a green face just by looking at the rides.BUT NEVER MIND THAT

Erza's POV(never expected that one huh?)

I was just sympathetically looking at the fire breathing bill riser turn green but knowing that he is in his sensitive month i'm going to take advantage....>=3 i turned to my left side looking at the green bluenette and i had the best idea SWEET SHOPPING since Natsu is in his sensitive month he won't be able to lie nor hide his true expressions; and since Wendy is super sweet and honest she won't me at least so, i think i will speak up "Natsu, Wendy care to go sweet shopping with me?" "sure think Erza-Chan" Wendy said going back to her normal color "SURE ERZA" Natsu said excitedly...i think i got this in the bag "ok let's go then" we then started walking to a random sweet shop named 'sweet sugar' i saw two shady guys staring at Natsu and Wendy so i moved away from them with the dragon slayers following after me. I ordered about 30 cakes, not much but those are all the different flavored cakes they have i gave Natsu the rasberry cake and Wendy the lemon cake Wendy seemed to like the cake and took another bite flavoring each ingridient they used on the other hand Natsu seemed to HATE the cake judging by his face it has cute how his face was scrunched up and his eyes were shut tight in order to swallow "it needs sugar" Natsu thought outloud "it does doesn't it.." "yep" Natsu quickly responded popping the P

Time skip (meh lazy)
Still Erza's POV

After we finished the cake tasting Wendy ordered one complete lemon cake instead of one slice..I think she liked that one too much while Natsu just ordered about 50 strawberry almond cakes🍰 I swear he will turn like me one soon as we get out of the shop the shady guys get out as well but on a different direction I still have a grudge against those guys they just have a evil aura hanging around them like if they were to kill you by painfully and slowly skinning (is that spelled right) you alive and then burning every side of your body while sowing your muscles to your joints to prevent you from literally falling apart.
I was deep in thought when the sound of Natsu's voice snapped me out of it "sorry what did you say Natsu" "I was saying if we can go to the hotel rooms. I really want to eat my cakes~"
Natsu said while dragging a wagon full of boxes, strawberry almond cake boxes to be specific "yes it is getting dark..." "Erza-san?...." "Yes Wendy" "do you have the pairings all worked out?" "Yes I think that me, you, and Natsu will be in one room while Gray, Lucy, and Happy share the other. Does that sound good" "yes Erza-san" Wendy chirped.___________________ when we got in the hotel team Natsu was waiting for us "where were y'all" Gray said in a very RUDE voice I think he noticed Wendy and Natsu holding-er dragging wagons full of cakes given by his questioning look "why does flame for brains have a wagon full of cakes!?" "Because Gray he likes cakes right natsu" "mhm" Natsu said or tried to say with a mouth full of cake and with that team Natsu went on their own ways

Time skip (tomorrow morning)
"GIRLS LETS WAKE UP THE OTHERS" Natsu said in a excited tone "why is that Natsu" Erza questionably said. It just took one word to get Erza hyped along with Wendy "SUNRISE" with that the girls were changing as fast as they could in Erza's case requiped faster than normal Natsu since he was already dressed when he woke the girls up ran to the next
do- er i mean window where he yelled to wake up Lucy gray and happy wich in returned he got a satisfying 'thump' sound "let's go to the beach" gray tilted his head (since he fell down) to the clock that read 5:30 AM in bright green letters "WHO THE FACK WANTS TO GO TO THE BEACH AT SUCH AN UNGODLY HOUR!!!" Gray exclaimed
"I do! now let's go happy, Natsu and Gray" "Aye Sir..."Happy said in a grogly voice "tch fine then" but in mid sentence Natsu was nowhere to be seen but he was able to be seen by the rest of the dragon slayers "WAKE UP" he yelled when yet again received a satisfying 'thump' followed by a grumble I'm to lazy to type the process sooooooooo basically the dragon slayers are headed towards the Natsu already left leaving ships behind like Laxus and Freed along with the thunder tribe Gajeel and levy last but no least Wendy and Chelia (Chelia came along since Wendy called her at night) oh and also when they arrive it's almost getting ready for a sunrise view.

Sorry for not updating

Shout-out to Katgirlfujoshi she is my inspiration and support to do this she really helped me out... CHECK OUT HER STORIES THEY ARE GOOD the best (for me at least) one is Prince Natsu how does it go I'll tell you........

SIKE read it yourself it's good
(I'm an asshole XD)

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