Chapter 12!

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Ash is back! He told me to write this...
He just wanted to properly apologize for being a coward and trying to kill himself.... He's sorry for being selfish and not thinking about you guys, sorry for being a dumbass... sorry for letting hate words go to his head.. he's sorry for all the bullshit he have given ya'll, please forgive him even though he was selfish, He's sorry for not updating in time or posted a message! He's really sorry please forgive him.... and it's okay if you all stop following him and all... He just wanted to apologize for being a dick in general......

In my opinion he did nothing wrong.... I don't know why hes apologizing..

With Natsu

'W-where am I!?' Natsu thought, noticing that hes been turned visible. 'Why am I here' he questioned himself while trying to pull of the chains, or at least slip his hands away from the cuffs.. but to no avail "H-Hello?" Natsu whispered. Seeing as a man slowly walked in the room Natsu saw the man lick his lips, eyes full of lust....
Looking at the man with horror all Natsu could think was to give out his dragon plea
(Dragon Pleas are like baby crocs and their moms but the plea is silent to human ears but loud on animal ears) giving at least 5 powerful pleas the man started to crouch near Natsu and started to strip him down

With Laxus and Gajeel

"Did you hear that!?"  Gajeel asked Laxus, running up to him in the meantime
"Yeah.... now shut up" Laxus replied while circling slowly, trying to pinpoint the plea
There was no denying it... that call was Natsu's call
They pinpointed the plea and ran towards it
The plea sounded more desperate thank the other ones, Laxus and Gajeel then spotted a building and ran faster
This one sounded in pain actually.... "Hang in there Natsu!" Gajeel said. Meanwhile Wendy also heard the pleas but stayed put as a guard judging by the sound of the plea

As Laxus busted the door open he

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