Chapter 6

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Until Gray...

3rd POV
Their breaths were felt by eachother...until Gray lifted his head up, leaving a blushing Natsu in thought​. Was he going to kiss me!? Why!? Natsu thought until he heard a bitter chuckle. "I don't fucking like boys..." Gray said to himself forgetting that Natsu had dragon slayer hearing, " why do I feel like this" the fading  dragon slayer didn't hear the last one, due to him over thinking I knew he didn't like me... I knew it! I knew he liked girls! Why did I put my hopes up!! Fuck, why do I feel like this... a quiet sob escaped his mouth, not noticing the warm liquid falling down his cheeks. "N-Natsu w-what's wrong!?" Gray exclaimed, surprised to see Natsu fading away, while reaching to wipe his never ending tears, then suddenly, Natsu disappeared; no evidence left of Natsu being there.

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