Chapter 7

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"Shit I have to find Natsu!" Gray said as he ran to more alley ways, not knowing that there was a certain Bluenette(?) watching the entire time

"I have to tell Laxus and Gajeel" Wendy (we all know its her) said as she ran to the shore

With Gajeel and Laxus

"GUYS! NATSU IS INVISIBLE!" Wendy yelled as tears rolled down her face "I knew Gray would hurt him" Gajeel sneered as he turned to Laxus "let's find him" he stated as he ran with the other two following suit.


Still running the slayers caught up with Natsu's scent "wait...... This isn't right" Laxus said looking at Wendy and Gajeel, "yeah... His scent just ends here...." Gajeel stated as he looked around for clues or hints for the where abouts of Natsu "let's look for clues" Wendy said upon seeing Gajeel.
The slayers looked at every corner of the alley, but couldn't pick up something until Laxus picked up a scent, different from Natsu's but familiar to him... It smelled like Natsu's scent mixed with a chemical.... A type of thing involving nitrous oxide.... CHLOROFORM!! "Guys I smell chloroform" Laxus said as he searched a corner further. Gajeel and Wendy helped Laxus and what they found scared them

Sorry my posts will be shorter but you'll have more chapters! I'm running out of ideas...

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