0.5 | The Science Of Deduction

110 10 7

French warning! I will put English translations for those who don't understand

Also this is really shitty and long



Gwilym had just gotten off the phone with a fellow detective he worked with and apparently they already had a new case for him.

He grabbed his long black coat off the coat rack but before he left he turned around to look at me.

"Would you like to come with me this time?"

I sat up in my seat and smiled widely at him.

"Oh god yes."


Once we had made it to the crime scene Gwilym just let himself right into the house but I waited outside because I didn't even know if it was okay for me to go inside.

An officer with blond hair and green eyes approached me and I started panic a little.

"Excuse me, who're you?" He asked. He had a deep British accent and was a bit taller than me.

"I uh- I came here with him" I pointed to the door where Gwilym was standing.

The man nodded and gave me the go-ahead.

I jogged up to the door and stood behind Gwilym while I listened to him argue with the forensics specialists.

Apperantly he just didn't want to wear one of the blue Hazmat suits because they "look absurd" and he won't work to his best capabilities wearing it.

I, however, being the responsible man I am took one of the blue suits and put it on over my clothes and walked into the house behind Gwilym.

We trudged up the stairs to the main area of investigation.

Once we made it up there I saw Gwilym already ran over to the dead lady on the floor. He was inspecting her with a little magnifying glass much like the other corpse he saw at the morgue about two weeks ago.

After seeing things like severed fingers and even a head in our own refrigerator, this kind of stuff didn't faze me anymore.

I still watched from a distance, as I didn't know much about this sort of thing and Gwilym was the detective here.

I stood about a meter away from Gwilym and the corpse until the DI walked in.

He pushed past me and went over to see what Gwilym was looking at.

Gwilym was handed a pair of latex gloves before he got to actually touch anything.

Once he put on his gloves, he lifted the lady's arm and found a mysterious pill bottle hidden beneath her hand.

He picked up the pill bottle and held it up to the light.

It contained one large pill, maybe the size of a horse pill.

Joe, the DI, walked over to Gwilym and had him drop the pill bottle in a plastic bag which I assumed was for evidence.

Gwilym slowly tilted the lady's head to the side to see her face.

There was a white foam surrounding her mouth and her eyes were still wide-open and lifeless.

I shuddered but still slowly approached the body.

Gwil turned to one of the policemen that were stationed at the scene.

"Femme, 37 ans, récemment décédée. Cause de la mort, overdose de drogue."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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