Here comes trouble

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  After being suspended me and my friends head to my car to leave the school grounds. Suddenly, remember I forgot my backpack in my locker, I told my friends I'll be right back. As I run in the school building to get my book bag. As I get to my locker, I see Jace selling drugs to some students. I quickly grabbed my phone to snap a picture. As I take the picture my phone flash shined bright asf, it got him to notice Someone was there. As he walk towards me, I runs back to the car full speed.
"Start the car now"- I shout as I get in the backseat of my car.
We made it off school grounds before Jace saw me. We went to Glam Dime. As we parked the car we talked about what I saw. We got out my car and locked the doors. We went to our normal booth in the corner of the diner. The waitress gave us our menu.
"Welcome to Glam Dime, what would y'all like to drink"- The Waitress asked.
" I want a sweet tea with a lemon"-I said.
"I want a dr. Pepper"- Dylan said.
"I want a lemonade"- Peaches said.
"I want a sprite "- Axel said.
"I'll be back with ur drinks and to take your order"- the waitress said.
The waitress left the table to go get the drinks. As me and my friends looked at the menu. The waitress came and gave us our drinks and to get our order.
"Ready to order"-the waitress asked.
"Yes ma'ma. I'll have a well done ribeye steak and bake potato as my side"- I said.
"I'll have the cheeseburger combo"- Peaches said.
"I want the 12 pieces of hot wings with jalapeño poppers"- Dylan said.
"I want a BLT combo"- Axel said.
" Coming right up"- the waitress said.
The waitress left as we got through got reading to take.
"Peaches guess what"- I said to her.
"Your getting engaged"- she replied.
Dylan choked
"What you talking about silly, but I'm getting some tonight"- I said as I kissed him on the cheek.
"Lmao, that's nothing new"-she laughed.
Axel and Dylan laughed at us. In the corner of my eye I saw a figure waving at me.  As I get up and walk towards the figure. It was my cousin Wes, he's a few years older than me. Even tho he is my cousin he treated me like a brother but we lost touch when he moved two years ago.
  "I miss you,Wes"- I said tearfully as we hugged.
  "Aw, I miss you too"-he said.
  "I want you to meet someone"-I said as I wave over my friends.
  "Hi Peaches"- he said.
  "Nice seeing you Wes"-she replied.
  "This is my boyfriend-"-I said.
  "Dylan"-Wes said surprised.
  "Hi Wes"- Dylan stuttered.
  "How y'all know each other"- I asked.
  "He dated my brother a long time ago"- Dylan said.
  "How is Tim"- Wes asked.
  "He's fine"- Dylan said while going outside.
  "Oh shit"- I said as I went outside to talk to Dylan.
  "You ok babe"-I said as I kissed him.
  "I'm not in the mood rn tbh so u can just go back inside"- he said as he pushed me away.
  "Fine, you know what find somewhere else to sleep tonight"- I snapped as I got in my car. I texted Peaches to get Wes and come on so we can leave. Dylan looked at me as peaches, Axel, and Wes got in the car.  I pulled out of the parkway then drove to my house.
"Why Dylan ain't with us"-peaches asked.
  "He's in one of his moods"- I answered.
  "I'm sorry cousin"- wes apologies to me.
  "It's ok"- I said.
  The rest of the ride home it was quiet between all of us kinda awkward even. I turned into my driveway to see Rachel and Jace on my porch. I parked my car and slowly got out the car.  We walked to my porch and looked at them up and down.
  "Why the fuck are y'all on my porch"-I snapped.
  "Why took a picture of me earlier and who's the new hottie"- Jace said.
   "Little boy you are not my type sorry not sorry  and I'm Prince's cousin Wes"- Wes replied.
  "Ouuu he's spicy I like him even more"- Jace said smirking.
   "I took a picture so I can give it to the principal asshole that's the way u can leave for good jeez"- I said as I rolled my eyes.
  "Damn you mad mad"-Rachel said.
  "Gurl you want another ass whooping"-Peaches said.

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