1 Paul Becomes a Wolf

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Lola takes a black jumper from her closet. She packs for her first vacation by herself. It is still a vacation. 'Bella, have you seen ....'

'Here'. Bella gives her the blue shirt she was looking for.

'Thank you.' Lola says and puts it in her bag.

'Do you really think it's that important?'

She closes the bag and turns around to look at her sister: 'Yes, and I won't be there for long.'

'Edward is here. I'm going to let him in.' Bella says and gets up from the bed.

While Bella is gone, Lola adds her latest notebook to her bag. She checks if she missed something, but everything should be there: 'Hey Edward.' She says, not looking up.

'When do you leave?' He asks.

'The day after tomorrow.'

'This dagger, you know what to look for?' He asks. Bella stands next to him.

'It has a dark purple handle with a specific signing on it. I'll recognize it.'

'You don't think it will be dangerous to retrieve it.' Bella asks.

'With me, it's a normal dagger, but I can defend myself. I need it. I will be able to defend you from vampires like Victoria.' She tells her sister.

'Bella, Alice is waiting.' Edward tells her.

'You can go. Enjoy your summer, sister.' Lola says. She is happy that her sister found this with Edward and how his family reacted.

When her bag is almost finished, she goes downstairs to get something to drink. In the living room, she stops in her steps. She feels an electric pulse. She knows this feeling. It's not the first time this has happened; she knows this pain. Someone had just transformed into a wolf for the first time.

Lola is almost there. She can hear the thoughts of the wolf that just transformed. These are primarily angry thoughts.

'This is going to take longer than expected.' Jared thinks

'Lola is here.' Sam thinks.

She takes a few more steps so that they can see her. She looks at the wolf; he looks back at her hands. She doesn't think of anything, only what she wants to achieve. Her mind fills with positive and calming thoughts, and the light appears. It doesn't work immediately, but he transforms back after a minute or two.

She walks away, back to her car.

'Hey, Lola.'

'Emily, how are you?' Lola asks when she puts her bag next to the table.

'Everything is good. How did it go?'

'They will be here any minute. What are you baking?'

Emily puts something on the table: 'Muffins. Please take one.'

Lola takes one and sits in one of the chairs: 'They taste amazing.'

The door opens, and Sam walks through and goes straight to Emily. After him are Jared and Paul, and finally, she sees Jonah. He sits next to her and lays a hand on her leg. Paul and Jared sit on the two chairs opposite the two, explaining to him about the wolves, vampires and Lola's gifts.

Paul sits still. He doesn't say a word. He looks at everyone in disbelief.

'How are you?' Lola asks him. She must remember that this is a new situation. Still, he also discovered that his friends were keeping a huge secret.

'Me.' Paul asks: 'I'm good. I'm just hungry.' He tells them. Jared laughs and gives him another muffin.

'I know they're happy to have you back.' Lola breaks another piece of her muffin. Jonah said he hates lying and finds it strange to see Paul by himself. She knows Jared missed his best friend. He didn't need to say anything. She finishes her food and sees the three friends look relieved.' I don't have to go now.' Lola interrupts. She isn't sure about the timing of this trip.

'You said that it was important. Now is as good as any other time.' Jonah says.

'Where is she going?' Paul asks.

'Mystic Falls.' Lola answers.

'She trying to find a magical dagger.' Jared adds.

'What is so special about the dagger?' Paul asks.

'It weakens the supernatural.' Lola says.

'Wait, all supernatural.' Paul releases. Lola nods.

'Yesterday, you said you found something. What is it?' Sam asks.

'There is a cure.' She simply says. They all look at her. Emily stops with the dishes and turns around. 'The cure is my blood. A little bit reverses the effects of the dagger.' Paul and Sam look disgusted by the idea, but Jared and Jonah don't really react. Emily returns to doing the dishes.

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