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Yoongi finishing his school, rushes to the cycle stand to get to his part time job. He is already behind schedule.

"The history imteacher never leaves on time" mumbles yoongi.

Arriving near the parking, he sees

Arriving near the parking, he sees

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Yoongi is more than shocked!

Yoongi's POV:
What is this man doing here? How did he find me out? What do I do? How do I escape?

Yoongi's POV:What is this man doing here? How did he find me out? What do I do? How do I escape?

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End of POV

Hoseok: Hey baby boy!

Yoongi: *gupls*

Hoseok: here.. Take ur bag

Yoongi: *brings his right hand forward to catch the bag*

Hoseok: *pulls the bag along with resulting in yoongi being in his arm*

Hoseok: I am taking my gift to bringing ur bag back.. *holds yoongi's waist and pulls closer to peck his lips*

Yoongi is in shock! That's his first kiss and moreover the whole school is watching!

Hoseok: cya around.. I ll give u a call! *smirks and gets inside car*

Hoseok lowers the car door window, waves and leaves..

U Are My Baby | Yoonseok SmutWhere stories live. Discover now