Chapter 13

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Debbie's POV

I wanted to go home so as Jack, but we saw Eunsang there alone and we were confused so we approached him.

Debbie : "Eunsang, why are you alone?"

Eunsang : "Sighh..May left because of family's always like this.."

Me and Jack just kept quiet but we actually know where she might go.

Jack : "Let's go back together, alright?"

Eunsang : "Sure."

So the three of us left the café and walked home since our houses aren't that far. Jack left first because his house is the nearest and it's just me and Eunsang. How awkward it is until he said something.

Eunsang : "'s life?"

Debbie : "Uhm great I guess haha."

Eunsang : "Nice..btw I'm sorry for being mean the other day you know the way I confronted you..and also I'm sorry because of that people started to know about it."

Debbie : "It's fine haha and I'm sorry for liking you secretly but relax I've moved on."

Eunsang : ""

Shit, why do I say that I mean I moved on but I don't know I still have feelings for him.

Eunsang's POV

Ouch, it hurts. Wait what? Why am I hurt?? Uhhh after that conversation we're quiet again but I would like to ask her something.

Eunsang : "Hey Deb, uhm can we atleast be friends?"

Debbie : "Uhm suree, why not haha."

Eunsang : "I mean if you don't mind because it seems you're such a good friend."

Debbie : "What do you mean seem? I am a good friend." While chuckling.

Eunsang : "Owh since we're friends..can I ask you something?"

Debbie : "Yea, what's up.."

Eunsang : "The other day...u bumped me and I'm confused what's wrong like are you okay?"

Debbie : "'s embarrassing but yea I'm fine it's just me and my friends aren't really friends anymore."

Eunsang : "Owh I'm sorry but you can talk to me if you want. I'll try helping."

Debbie : "Yea, I'll try and goes to you, you can talk to me too."

I nodded and I'm so happy that we talked more but without realization we arrived at her house and we bid farewell. I just felt happy again? After May left me. I think my feelings for Debbie gained but again, it's not right.

Debbie's POV

So yea, I came home and I'm happy me and Eunsang can be friends.

I wanted to go to my room but someone scared me.

Debbie : "OMG Yohan! What are you doing here?"

Yohan : "Owh you're back actually I wanted to talk to you about something?"

Debbie : " can just call me. I felt bad you have to wait so long for me."

Yohan : "Ah no worries haha it's not even that long. Anyways, I came here to ask you if you wanted to help out with the committee for the Winter Formal."

Debbie : "Me? Why me haha."

Yohan : " seem helpful and we really do need people, I met you today and I was thinking to asked you but I forgot sorry. So, instead I came here and I'm looking forward to the answer."

Debbie : "Ah...How many people do you need? And what can I do?"

Yohan : "Actually we need about 5 more, you can invite your friends too if you want and what do you think is the best thing you can do to help?"

Debbie : "Okay, I can Invite Jack. He's my friend and uhm I think I can help with photography and you know designing stuff? Jack is also good with that I guess."

Yohan : "Great then! But you won't mind right if the ITZY girls sometimes just barge in and be bossy as usual."

Debbie : "Nah, I'm fine like we all followed their words haha."

Yohan : "HAHA yea..alright then that's it thank you so much."

Debbie : "Yea no problem let me walk you down."

Yohan : "Ah there's no need but thanks.."

Debbie : "haha oh btw, since when are you in the committee section?"

Yohan : "Well..surprise! I'm also new and asked to invite others haha."

Debbie : "Owh no wonder, that's great!"

Yohan : "Yea..owh btw..sorry if it will ruin things but do you want to hangout sometimes?"

I kept quiet like I don't want to but I just want to I said..

Debbie : "Owh..uhm I didn't expect that but sure..."

Yohan : "Awesome."

I gave him my number and walked him down. We bid farewell and I don't know why but I'm also happy that he asked me out.

Taeil : "Wow! Is that your boyfriend?"

Taehyun : "Stupid you of course it is!"

Debbie : "Shut up you guys are too innocent for this!"

Mrs Bae : "Owh yes he is! And how dare you let him wait for you for half an hour! Get some respect lady!"

Debbie : "Mom! Btw where's dad?"

Mr Bae : "Owh he left for his business trip in the afternoon."

With that, I went up and got a message from Yohan.

Chat mode

Yohan : Hey there! So I just realized tomorrow is the weekend. Wanna go out tomorrow?

Debbie : Sure! Where though? And btw I'm sorry for letting you wait for 30 minutes! Mom just told me.

Yohan : Haha! Relax no worries. Btw let's go to the arcade?

Debbie : Sure! It will be fun!

Yohan : Of course! Alright, I'll pick you up at 11 a.m.

Debbie : Thanks, See you and Night!

Yohan : Night! Sleep well! 😊


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