Chapter Four

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A couple of weeks after the incident at the zoo, Harry still didn't know what to make of the ordeal that had taken place, but he tried to place it at the back of his head just the same

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A couple of weeks after the incident at the zoo, Harry still didn't know what to make of the ordeal that had taken place, but he tried to place it at the back of his head just the same. He was trying to enjoy the rest of his summer while ignoring the fact that he had yet to get his Hogwarts Acceptance Letter. No matter what his parents said to reassure him that it would be arriving soon, he was starting to doubt it. But his father said that it would arrive when he least expected it, so Harry figured if he kept himself busy that it would arrive soon.

That particular morning in July, Harry had been sound asleep when he had been startled awake by the sound of the doors to his wardrobe opening. Reaching for his glasses that were resting on his nightstand, he placed them on quickly, only to watch as his clothing sailed into his room and fixed themselves inside the wardrobe.

He heard the sound of his parents outside, leaving him to leave his bed and make his way towards the open window. Taking a peek, he could see his father, broom on the ground and his wand in hand. The last couple of days, James had been complaining that his broom had been acting odd and was probably in need of some fine-tuning. Renata had suggested taking it to a professional but James was more than confident that he could manage it himself. However, the current and frustrated look on his face said otherwise.

Beside him, Renata was attempting to hide her grin behind a mug of coffee but she quickly lost the battle as soon as the broom rolled over when James demanded "up!" She broke into laughter, which attracted James' attention as he glanced over in her direction.

"Do you have something to say over there?" he asked her, placing his hands on his hips.

Renata shook her head. "Oh no, darling, I was just admiring the way you work your broom. Show it who's boss."

James shot her a look before muttering something under the lines of showing her who was boss before playfully lunging at her. Her laughter was cut off as she attempted to dodge him, but with a mug in hand, she was limited in her getaway, leaving her as easy prey. James caught her easily, wrapping his arms around her waist and drawing her near to him. His face was nuzzled into her neck where he said something that caused Renata's face to flush red before she used her free hand to slap his arm lightly.

"Alright, break it up you two!" A voice called from the distance and Harry stretched his neck a little further to see that Uncle Sirius and Uncle Adelmo had arrived. Harry smiled at the sight of his two uncles, knowing that whenever Uncle Sirius came to visit, it was going to be a fun time.

"There are children in the household," Sirius said as he approached Renata and James, " or did you two about my precious, not to mention innocent, niece and nephews."

"Oh, shut up, Sirius," James said, " they're all asleep right now and it wasn't like we were doing anything."

"Thank goodness," Adelmo replied quietly before greeting his sister with a hug.

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