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Soon as he turned from his phone call, my ass got mad as hell.

"KAINE!" You hit my car you asshole I screamed as I mugged him walking towards him. He smirked and started smiling "Damn Peigh, I didn't mean to mama I got caught up I'm sorry. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone about to call the cops when he stopped me as I looked at him I smirked."Peighton don't call the cops i'll pay for the damages you know I'm good for it. I looked at him and nodded "Sigh" I want your insurance info just in case Kaine I'm not playing with your ass.

He went inside his car and while he did that I was standing next to my car so upset that everything I worked for was damaged. My phone started to ring and it was an facetime from Christian I sighed and declined his call waiting for Kaine to hurry up so I can head to work. Christian started calling again and I just answered it so he can stop calling.

"Hello" What Christian?

Why tf you ain't answer my call the first fucking time declining my shit! When I call bitch you answer!

"I'm sorry babe I'm just busy that's all "

Your bitch ass don't look busy, and you damn show don't look like you to work


"Look Christian I gotta go i'ma call you back "

and with that I hung up the phone. As I looked up I noticed Kaine was just staring at me shaking his head as he walked towards me. "Peigh this my paperwork as he handed it to me and ima see if I can fix your car tomorrow full charge. I nodded and told him thank you as I was walking towards my car he pulled my arm gently so I looked back at him and pulled me close to him. He grabbed my phone and put his number in it and smiled at me.

"Call me whenever and I mean that I told you ima always be there and I meant that, it was nice seeing you tho Peighton. I missed you ma"

DONT LET THAT NIGGA HURT YOU LIKE I DID I REGRET THAT SHIT . He said kissing my temple as he walked away.he got in his car and drove off .I got in my car and rubbed my temples laying my head on the steering wheel this morning was just an pain I sighed got up start my car and headed to work.

When I got to the hospital, my bestfriend melody was at her station doing paperwork.when she notice I was there she came jump on me and hugged me. "Bitch why Yu was so late, I missed you bestie" Today just isn't my day and I'm late because Kaine hit my car omw over here, I didn't even know he was back. I told her about what happened with Christian and her vibe was all the way fucked up. she wanted to kill him especially since she never liked him but she dealt wit it because she loves me.we been best friends since 5 yrs old and I'm grateful she's still around.

"So are you going to call or text Kaine? You know you still love him and care for him" I looked at her and smiled yeah but he fucked over me you know what I went through wit him but "I might idk yet" she sucked her teeth and started walking to her desk when she grabs my phone and ran I rolled my eyes and started walking towards her "Melody seriously give me back my damn phone you better not text him. She smiled and said " To late I texted my brother in law already. I grabbed my phone and laughed and hit her on her arm. I sat at my station when my phone went off looked at it text from Christian and from Kaine.



DaddyKaine😜:Hey mama wassup you still mad at me?

I ignored Christian texts cause I didn't have time for his bullshit so I ended up texting Kaine back can't believe he actually saved his name that n my phone that as I shook my head and laughed.

2DaddyKaine😜:Yes I'm still mad at you, you know I work hard for my things😞

DaddyKaine😜:Yea I know but you know I got you right ima pay for it

2DaddyKaine😜: You betta I ain't playing lol I'm at work ima hmu when I get off

DaddyKaine😜: Ight ma just hmu later

After I texted him back I did my paperwork and started checking on my patients hoping that time would go slow af . Trying not to think about the troubles that's going happen when I go home. It was 6:30p.m and I was now getting off of work told all the workers bye and was headed outside to my car. Christian been sending threaten messages all day, Kaine on the other hand been sweet. We been catching up and joking the whole time from our past and our breakup. Soon as I got in my car, my phone rung and it was Kaine.

Kaine: Hey ma I told you I was calling you at 6:45 lol

Well yea I see that, I thought Yu was stunting watcha want sha I'm Trying to get home

Kaine: Turn Around

Kaine what? I don't have time for your ga(phone disconnects)

Ik this mf didn't just hang up on me I said while smiling shaking my head as I was about to turn the ignition I had an knock on my window looked up there he was smiling like it was funny. I got out the car and punched him n his arm for hanging up on me. He smirked and gave my an hug.

"Watcha want Miguel? I told Yu I need to get home" he looked at me and an mugged me

"Don't do that shit Janae you know I don't like my middle name and chill talk to me that pussy nigga can wait." I started laughing and just stared at him god knows I missed him through the years but our relationship back then was hard AF when he was dealing with this streets and these stupid ass hoes.

Where you was going ? I looked at him and shook my head "I was going home til you showed up he licked his lips making me blush as I looked at him and hugged him again but I gotta go I told him. He grabbed my hand and turned me around "What if I don't want you to go home tho ma come home to me?" I started to laugh "Maybe One Day" as I opened the door and got in my car. I waved at him and drove off.


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