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Three months passed since Peighton's Birthday, and it has been awesome. I'm finally in an better place with peigh and i'm fully in my daughters life now. The shit with Briana died down right after that no good bitch told me the baby wasn't mines, she was for her ex back in Texas where she moved back too, to be with him. I was really happy. He can have those problems.

Peighton had an meeting with the label she model for so i had Paisley. So we decide to go pass by my moms for an little while. When we got there, Mom and Keyla was sitting on the couch with an dude i never knew. I looked at my mom and she slightly smiled. "Hey ma, who's ya friend?" She looked at me and slowly got up to come next to me. "Kaine, this is John. Um, He's your father." I looked at this nigga and sized him up.

thank god me and keyla looked more like our mom

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thank god me and keyla looked more like our mom. "Was sup bruh, what you want?" He looked at me and stood up to shake my hand and i just looked at his hand. "Well i came see my kids, i know i wasn't there but i have my reasons and i didn't want that around y'all nor your mother" Keyla looked at me shaking her hand making her way to come get Paisley.

"That's your daughter?" I nodded. Her name is Paisley Rose. I said as i went into the kitchen to get me an soda. "Kaine, he made some mistakes but he's here now to fix it" My mom said and nodded and looked at my dad and shook his hand and i held it hard. "I been there taking care of them because it was my job, you come back to hurt them and i will KILL YOU!" He nodded and i let his hand go and smirked. "Ma, I just came check on y'all and i wanted to know if y'all can watch Paisley while i handle business, Peighton would come pick her up, she knows. She nodded her head and i kissed her forehead before i left. Walking out the house, something didn't sit right with me. He was never in our life and all of an sudden he come out the blue. i'ma get Keem to do Research on his ass. Something about him i don't trust.

These pass three months being going fast as hell. Me and my family been at an amazing place. Payne and Melody called off the engagement after my stupid brother cheated on her and got an stripper pregnant. she and Simi moved to Miami with her grandmother for awhile. We talk about almost everyday. As for my Twin I barely take to him only time, is when we to daddy house for family dinner on Sunday.

Anyways, I had an meeting with YM today to see what we can do about more modeling gigs and appearances. we kept stopping because i kept needing to go to the bathroom to throw up.I wasn't really feeling good today. Lydia couldn't model right now due to her morning sickness. Yes she's pregnant for Chris and all. My little sister is growing up. Me and Drake cordial, He goes out with Rhianna now and if he's happy then i'm happy i guess. I'm single but me and Kaine been ya know yeah lol.

I was leaving the meeting when i got an text from Kaine.

PaisleysDaddy: Hey Ma, Paisley is with my moms I came to the trap for an minute, can you go get her?

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