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I seen Blood coming from under her door, and i bullet hole in the lower part of the door.. " NO NO NO NO NO, KEYLA!!! I tried to push the door but she was right on it. I pushed harder screaming her name. when i actually got in the room, it was blood splatter everywhere and i started to cry and just held her in my arms.

"Why would you do this key? WHY."

I jumped out my sleep full of sweat. we currently living with Peighton family since she now uncomfortable living in the house anymore. I have the same nightmare every night since keyla killed herself. that same night i went to my mom's house and flipped the fuck out.

(Flashback Ends)

"where the fuck that nigga at um. why the fuck you moved him in ma?" she got off the sofa and came in front of me asking what's going on as she looked at my bloody clothes. "Kaine what's wrong with you clothes." she tried to touch me and i screamed at her. "BITCH DON'T TOUCH ME, YOU THE REASON SHE KILLED HERSELF WANNA BRING THIS NIGGA INSIDE OUR LIVES YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT." "KAINE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, I DON'T UNDERSTAND" i shook my head and looked at my mom with disgust. "KEYLA KILLED HERSELF INSIDE MY HOUSE ALL BECAUSE YOU WANNA PLAY HOUSE WITH AN NIGGA THAT RAPED HER. HE TOOK HER VIRGINITY AND WHERE WAS YOU UM.. YOU NEVER GAF ABOUT YOUR OWN DAUGHTER OR HOW SHE FELT WHEN YOU BROUGHT THIS NIGGA INTO OUR LIVES." My mom broke down and tried to hug me when i moved back. "AN TELL JOHN, I'M COMING FOR HIS ASS" I walked out her house.

2day was the day of Keyla's funeral and i know i'm not ready. it was 8:30 in the morning and me,peighton and paisley had gotten dress.

 it was 8:30 in the morning and me,peighton and paisley had gotten dress

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we all looked good

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we all looked good. the theme was soft pink because that was her favorite color and i wore the suit she picked out months ago. I miss my little sister so much. besides Peighton and Paisley she was my heart the air i breathe. I can't believe she is gone. we all made it to the church where it was packed. all our family and her friends even her teachers came show respects. they even gave me her diploma early she was suppose to graduate in December. I held my emotions in as we did the funeral i even wore my glasses so no one can see my face.

Peighton and Laila read parts of the obituary and my mom read the other half. i love my mom but she gotta do everything on her own. i went up to saw my final goodbye as i couldn't hold it in longer i just broke down. Peighton got up to hold me and bring me back too my sit. i can't believe i had to bury my 18 yr old baby sister.. all because an nigga claiming he's our father raping my little sister to her death. he been hiding but his ass will be FOUND....

 he been hiding but his ass will be FOUND

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MAY 3 , 2004 -SPETEMBER 20 , 2021



I miss you My Key Key i'ma always think of you you will

always be my heart MY ANGEL



I felt his pain y'all ugh i hate john ass



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