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After holding my beautiful niece and spending time with my family on this lovely Halloween at the hospital, Me and Dad was on our way home since laila had already left hours ago

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After holding my beautiful niece and spending time with my family on this lovely Halloween at the hospital, Me and Dad was on our way home since laila had already left hours ago. "So Payne gave me an beautiful grand baby now it's your turn baby girl."  I smiled "yeah, it is i hope it's an girl, but either way, i'ma be blessed to have either." Tony made it to the gate and drove in. we walked into the house and Laila was in the living room with an girl about my age, she looked shy and quiet. She motioned us to come and we sat down on the sofa.

"Um, It's no easy way to say this, um this is my daughter Lydia. My Grandmother was raising her for me til i had gotten on my feet but i started working here, so she kept her until she was older" I smiled and shook her hand and introduced myself. she smiled and then looked at my dad. and her mom. "So is this him?" she asked Layla and she shook her head. she kinda resemble Payne and I but she had a lot of tattoos on her body. My dad looked at her in shock and looked at laila.

"She's your daughter, how old is she"

"Laila sighed and said she's 20. remember after cece passed and we was there all the time for one another and we had gotten drunk.Well she was the result. That's why i was away for months and months at a time to have her. I didn't wanna lose my job so my grandmother offered to raise her for me til she gotten older." I looked at my dad, then laila, then Lydia and sat back down. "So your telling us that we're sisters and we just met each other now!" i screamed. I was pissed and i know when Payne heard he would've been pissed too. "Laila you could've told me! you didn't have to hide my daughter for me, i missed out on everything." my dad told her. she sat there quietly and tears started running down her face. I sighed and me and Lydia went hug her. "I'm sorry mama for yelling i was just shocked" i told her she nodded she understood and my dad came by us three girls and hugged us. "Lydia welcome to the family" as he kissed her forehead and she had the biggest smile on her face.

After we caught up with Lydia and got to know her my dad and laila showed Lydia her new room and told her they was going decorate it how she wanted tomorrow. I went into my room and took my shower did my hygiene thing and looked at myself in the mirror as i put stretch marks cream on my little baby bump. I love this little baby already soon i'ma find out the gender. I sat in my bed and put it on Once Upon a Time on Netflix and decided to text Kaine and August.

2BabydaddyKaine: Baby getting up there. I can't wait to find the Gender. #TeamGirl


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