So I have this now...

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Marie gave me a journal.

What the heck am I supposed to write?

I mean I guess I'm writing now. Wait does this even count? Maybe. I dunno.

Would she be happy if I did a formal introduction? Wait is she gonna look at this at all?

Why the heck did she give this to me...

Well, anyway, guess I'll do this properly.

My name is Juniper Eso. My friends call me Junie. Or they would if I had any...uh, anyway, I suppose I'm not just Junie anymore. I am Agent 4 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. I got hired only recently.


Okay so I followed a pop star down a manhole and she made me an agent on the spot but still. It counts as getting a job. ...I think.

My job is to retrieve the Zapfish from the Octarian menace and rescue someone named Callie. I can do that!

Yeah right...

I've been living in Inkopolis for like two weeks. I haven't got much battle experience. I have yet to get to know anyone...not that I'm gonna go out of my way to meet anyone. Why am I so contradictory sometimes?


Geez, what is with my brain today? My topics are going all over the place.

Case in point: I'm not the right squid for the job. But I don't think I can get out of this. Marie can't exactly let me go after telling me about herself and the agency. It's kind of a secret.

And besides, I'm the one who followed her. Pure curiosity led me into this mess. And you know what they say, curiosity killed the catfish.

I can only hope I don't get cooked by the Octarians.

Why in the name of cod did I follow her...

This won't be fun...

Well, I think that's enough writing for now. Should I sign this? Hm...I should sign this. Because I can.


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