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Hello, journal.

I've been thinking about stuff lately. Not about anything in particular, really. Just...thinking.

I have questions that I never bothered to ask myself before.


How in the name of cod did Sheldon drive a flying truck into the deepest part of Cephalon HQ when all of Octo Canyon is underground? Actually, how did he get the truck underground in the first place? And how can it fly? What, did he install some sort of hover technology in the truck? But that doesn't make sense since only Octarians have the technology to make things hover, namely platforms.


I'd ask Sheldon these questions myself, but then I'd likely be treated to several long winded explanations about how he did all that and I don't wanna deal with that.

I've also been wondering how the respawn points work.

Can they, like, 'sense' when someone is splatted? How exactly does the reviving part work? Who invented them? What were the prototypes like? Where they a thing before or after the Great Turf War? Maybe they were in development during the war, who knows?

Might have to take a trip to the library soon. They gotta have a book on the history of respawn points, right?


Marina makes every single Shifty Station for every Splatfest, right? How exactly does she do that? From what I've observed, each of the stations appear to be in dome-like structures similar to Octo Canyon. I guess she has access to that kind of technology. I honestly think she's the most intelligent Octoling in the history of Octolings.


So yeah. These are the things I've been thinking of lately. They're questions that I'll never have answers to.

Unless I seek out said answers, of course. I don't know if I really feel like doing that, though. Maybe.

Well, Imma go get food.



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