Happy Ending

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Virgil's face paled at the sight of Roman, glancing nervously around the room to avoid his gaze. Eli spoke up.

"I think we should give them a moment." Everyone nodded.

Soon the hospital was empty, excluding Virgil and Roman. Virgil remained silent as Roman placed the last rose into the vase. He took the bouquet and handed them to Virgil.

"We should talk." Roman said as Virgil shyly took the flowers. He nodded slightly, fiddling with the soft petals between his fingers.

Virgil softly spoke. "I'm sorry... sorry for ruining your life." Roman raised an eyebrow.

"How did you euin my life?" He asked him. Virgil nervously laughed.

"Because your entire high school reputation was ruined because of me? Knowing you, you did something big, bold, and dramatic when confronting Aria. And before you ask, I've heard everything you said in those thirty days."

Roman awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "Well yes... but this is high school! It's a small part of my life. I probably won't remember half the people I knew in high school. Excluding actual friends."

Virgil laughed quietly, relieved that Roman didn't hate him. Roman gently took his hands.

"Virgil, you didn't ruin anything. I promise."

He smiled, nose scrunching up as Roman pulled him into a hug. Virgil hugged back, nuzzling into his jacket.

"Thanks... for nit hating me. Or just staying here." Roman nodded, and they pulled apart.

Across both of themm a mixture of red and purple roses were tattooed onto their skin. Virgil blushed slightly while Roman chuckled, tracing his finger iver the roses.

"So... soulmates, huh?" Virgil began to laugh.

"Yeah. Sorry you're stuck with... this. I understand if you just want to stay friends, or forget this ever happened."

Roman thought for a moment, before taking Virgil's hand and bringing it ot his lips. Virgil's face flushed and he covered it with his other hand, causing Roman to laugh. His hand remained firm around the others.

"I don't want to seem too forward, or go too fast. But I find you to be perfect. So if you don't mind dealing with a dramatic actor for as ling as we last, then I would like to give us a try." Roman spoke softly, waiting for Virgil's response.

Virgil hesitated, mentally debating his answer. He compared pros and cons, what he had to loose. His silence was what scared Roman the most. A small smile found his way onto Virgil's face and he nodded slightly.

"I'd like that, a lot." Roman let out a shaky laugh.

"Oh thank god, I was terrified you hated me." Virgil giggled.

"You do realize that I've been waiting a lot longer than you have." Roman laughed, hugging Virgil.

"I'm just glad you're okay."

There was a knock in the door, and a doctor entered.

"Hello, we just need to run a few more tests to make sure that Virgil is in stable condition. Then we can see when he can leave. Do you mind giving us a moment?" Roman nodded.

He kissed Virgils cheek before waving goodbye and exiting. The doctor smiled slightly at Virgil's red face, before conducting the tests.

Virgil was able to leave hospital a week later. He needed to be supervised at any given time so he spent a lot of time with his siblings, or Roman. It was a simple Friday afternoon when the two boys were sitting in Roman's room. They sat on his bed, watching a Disney movie and cuddling.

Roses (Prinxiety Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now