Chaotic Twins

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The members of the play began rehearsal. Today was the day the makeup team and costume designers were assigned an actor to work with.

"Alright everybody," Miss Kelly called out to the group of 50-70 teenagers, all from grades 7-12. "Can we have actors on one side of the room, and costume and makeup on the other side. Backstage, musicians and dancers just continue doing whatever you were doing."

Roman got up from his group of friends, some also actors and others were dancers. He noticed someone he never realised was there in rehearsals with him. Virgil was getting off the table he was presumably sitting on and heading over to the makeup artist and costume designers side of the room. Roman smirked to himself as he went on the actors side.

Miss Kelly waited for everyone to quiet down. "Alright, I've chosen partners based on the skill of each artist and the role of the actor. The more an actor is needed, the better artist is paired up with them. There are more actors then artists so some may be given two actors." Roman was the lead, meaning he probably had the best artist. Only question was who that was.

"Alright everybody! I'm reading off the list now, find your partner then a seat on the floor. Evan with Connor, Jasmine with Isaac, Andre and Rory with Mindy..." She kept going down the list, people from each side and finding their partners.

"Roman, with Virgil..." Virgil whipped his head up, his eyes wide with fear. Doing Roman's makeup meant touching his face. The rose. He looked over to Roman, who was aleady walking over to him. The two sat in awkward silence as Miss Kelly finished reading off the list Virgil instantly put his hand up.

"Yes Virgil, is there a problem?" She asked.

"Yes um, could I work with someone else please?" He asked. Roman placed a hand over his heart.

"Oh I'm not that bad Jack Smellington." Roman said. Virgil shook his head and ignored the other, giving Miss Kelly pleading eyes. The drama teacher just shook her head.

"Virge, as much as you are basically my child and I want to make you happy, I need you to do their makeup. You're the only person who can do it well and you did design and make Roman's costume. Also based on our daily venting sessions, you two have been getting along better." She said.

"Wait you vent about me with our drama teacher?" Roman asked. Virgil huffed at Miss Kelly's insistence.

Well he'd just have to tell her about the roses.

She would understand.


Obviously not because here Roman was, infront of him and waiting for the makeup to be done.

Miss Kelly claimed that Roman totally wouldn't hate Virgil after this. Even though he totally would, 100%. Even worse is that throughout the entire practice, Aria had been glaring daggers through Virgil.

"Look, I don't want to be in this position anymore than you do but you have to touch me."

"Princey. Never repeat that sentence ever again."

"You know exactly what I meant emo nightmare." Roman said.

Virgil took a deep breath as he reached for the makeup kit, he could do this without touching Roman's face. It would be fine. Everything was going fine until a little piece of hair kept getting in the way and was beginning to annoy Virgil alot. Using the end of the makeup brush, he pushed the strand of hair and tucked it behind Roman's ear.

"You know my skin isn't toxic right?" Roman said, sarcasm dripping on every word.

"Really? I though it was. Don't bright colours indicate poisonous in the animal kingdom?" Virgil replied, faking a high pitch, girly voice. Roman laughed at the others antics, and eventually they were both laughing, Virgil trying to get him to stay still while he worked. One of Roman's drama friends, who were currantly getting there makeup done by Talyn, saw the two.

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