Chapter : 3

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Smiles are just the curves of the lips, frowns are the same thing too. And it shocked my core to finally see him lose his smile and frown at the paper.

What? He doesn't like it or something?

I quickly averted my eyes and scrunched up my face like I was thinking an answer, pretending that I have no sorts of relationship with the crushed paper when he examined the class for his secret admirer.

I mumbled the multiples of two as I casually took a glance at him. Instead of throwing it in the garbage, he slipped my letter inside his jean pocket and caught my eyes once again when he turned to pick up his backpack.

His intense eyes kept me frozen as the world around me blurred, pulling me into its oblivion as he playfully asked,"Hey there, the therapist said that you were my partner, frowny. Let's meet at Aroma cafe for our project after school, yeah?"

I stared at his handsome face and nodded dumbly; unable to say anything as he smiled at me and turned back, oblivious to my dancing heart.

Frowny? He gave me a nickname? People only give nicknames for the person they like.

So, he likes me?


I shut my eyes as a pang of pain squeezed my heart. His twin brother, Drew, died of cancer. Twin brother.

I never expected those words to fall out of Andrew's mouth that easily. Considering the fact that he was depressed, I thought it was gonna take him some time to open up; but definitely, I thought wrong.

It was so easy, but strange at the same time to imagine the same set of eyes that were boring into mine on a different person. Did his brother have the same smile like him? Same amber eyes and dark hair? Many thoughts popped up in my head as I quietly asked, "Did he look like you?"

Mr. Smiley Face nodded with his head down as soul stabbing pain pinched my heart. I could clearly picture it.

Twin brothers with their arms around each other, laughing at their inside jokes and lifting everybody's spirits up with their soul gripping smiles.

A sad sigh escaped my lips as I thought about what to say. My crush was sitting in front of me, talking about his dead twin brother even though we only met a hour ago. I didn't know what drove him to tell me his past but I was immensely grateful for that force.

"I'm sorry" was underrated, people say that all the time and I know he might be tired of hearing that same phrase over and over again. So, I zipped up my mouth and threw the key in my drink and drank it.

"Aren't you gonna say something?" He asked me with furrowed brows.

I shrugged and explained myself softly, "I ain't gonna say sorry because I know that you've heard that phrase many times. People say that they're sorry because they think that relationship is a destination and when you couldn't reach your destination with the person you love, they think it's a loss.

But we tend to forget the journey we made with our loved ones because of the heart wrenching grief that takes away all our happiness from the memories of them and replaces it with grief.

Love is not about the destination, it's about the journey. So, I am not feeling sorry nor any kind of pity towards you, infact I am jealous.

Jealous that you had a twin because I always wondered what it would be like to have one but I also feel happy. Happy that you get to experience life with your brother. I am happy that you had a person whom made goodbyes hard for you"

I finished my long rant with a defeated sigh. It shocked me and it was also kind of hilarious that I, Amethyst Melody Atlas, the girl who has been single forever gave that speech. I was grateful for the long bangs that covered my eyes because I was afraid to gauge his reaction but I also wanted to observe his emotions, so I peeked at him through my eyelashes carefully.

Molten gold swirled into my galaxy ones as he brought his hand closer to my face and brushed my hair out of my eyes as he smiled at me.

I'd be lying if I said that my heart beat faster because my heart skyrocketed at a hundred miles speed, leaving me breathless from his tender touch.

"That's the most truthful and the best thing anyone has ever said to me about my brother," He said as he twirled my violet strand and tucked it behind my ear. My cheeks competed with my strawberry milkshake as I cherished the feeling of my crush complimenting me, not my looks but my heart.

And I felt a ray of hope blossoming inside me that whispered..

The magic spell started its work, he might like me back.

The magic spell started its work, he might like me back

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