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Hello! I just want to make a few things clear to y'all. Don't worry, I'll be quick and make it short and sweet.

In the words of Imagine Dragons, I sing.....

First things first,

Thank you so much for clicking the "read" button on this story. If you like my book, just leave a vote and comment and I'll be very happy if you do that.

Second things, second...

Don't ever Plagarise! It is Totally Forbidden like the Forbidden fruit from the bible. {Including the pictures, footers (etc)}

Third things, third...

This story is a figment of my imagination and the characters and the places mentioned in this book are not real.

Leave an emoji as a comment if you sang the lyrics of the song, "Believer" with the tune in your head as soon as you read the first line of the song. 😎

Thank you,
Miss Blackwood


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