Chapter : 4

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A fairytale is not always about the happy ending; if it is though, then it would be termed as a fairyend. Sometimes the ends are not happy, but that doesn't mean fairytales doesn't exist; it does, because a fairytale is all about the magic that happens before the end.

If the ending is painful, you've lived a fairytale but if the tale is painful then you'll surely get your fairyend. Both are beautiful in a twisted way; because for a few, the journey matters and for many, the destination. And in my case; I should be happy, happy that I spent two months with a guy, whose smiles seemed to grew up on me now. But I couldn't, I couldn't bring myself to be happy about it because the same guy was staring at me from outside the bus, I'm sitting in.

The same guy with whom I created a volcanic pit of memories, stars of laughter, countless and a sky of connection, so widespread. Our smiles were made for each other, so loving and secretive. Atleast the latter was me.

He didn't know that I was the girl who dropped inspirational messages on his doorstep daily with a signature of a frowning face. It was my secret; no one knew about it, not even the therapist.

Speaking of the therapist, I'm glad to admit that he was kind of right. Anyone can achieve anything if they aim for it with determination, but he forgot to add 'and love' at the end, or maybe he wanted me to find it for myself, that anything deadly and painful can be cured with a little bit of love.

When life finally felt good, my dad had to announce that we were moving. I was in shock, only for a second though but I wished that I was in shock for a whole day so that I wouldn't feel the gut wrenching pain, panic and loss that hit me like a wrecking ball at the next moment. It was hard to break the news to Andrew; but when I did, he didn't smile for days.

He became frowny, like me. But suddenly, one day he came to my house and ranted about how stupid he was and said that we should make much memories as possible in the short period of time and I couldn't be happier.

Loads of milkshakes and fun at the arcade, Ferris ride kiss at the town's carnival, late night talks on our phones until someone betrayed the other and slept, exchanging glances in school and aiming love messages at each other, friendly little banters about which's the best; Ketchup or mayonnaise? Chocolate or strawberry? Titanic or Bond. James Bond? Pop songs or rock songs while driving?

We made conversations out of nothing and turned it into anything and everything. All those bickering, affectionate gestures, memories, laughter, unexchanged words, cute little moments that we made were deeply imprinted inside my heart and led us here. To part ways and bid goodbyes.

I didn't confess my feelings to him, but he knew about it because the therapist told him. Traitor. Imagine how your crush would react when he knows about the crush you have on him and imagine you shell-shocked, sat on a Ferris cart at night, viewing the lights from above as your crush decided to drop the bomb.

To say that I had the urge to jump off the Ferris wheel couldn't be truer. That's where he kissed me. On my cheek. I know he wasn't ready for a relationship after his heartbreak and that's one of the reasons why I didn't confess and the other reason was that I was too scared to do the act of bravery. We were better off as bestfriends anyway.

When we were together, everything felt right because we made everything right but I know he had to fight off depression with a greater help, so I encouraged him to get help and now he's undergoing therapy sessions, to which I was thankful.

The bus vibrated, indicating its start as it moved slowly. My heart jerked painfully as I turned to look at the smiling guy, my teary eyes narrowed as he brought his arm up and aimed something at me. Something soft hit my head and fell to the seat,

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