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The week goes smoothly, no problems until two new guys come to our school. Let me say it was unexpected to see two new guys in our school. They are strange to not only that they keep following me anywhere I go. Its creepy right.

Misty has been telling me she senses something strange about them. J can't figure it out. Well my parent come from their so called business trip to inform us that since we have settled in they would be sending us to a magic high school.

They say they fear something might happen to us. I couldn't wait for this month to end so we will go to magic high school.

I hit my head on something hard more like a person."ow, my nose" I whine while massaging the bridge of my nose. Speaking of the devil and they appear. 

"Look what we have here brother" the black haired one said. "Who is this brother?" the brown haired said.

"The well known newbie in school and she just bumped into me." the brown haired said." I'm Lucas the brown haired said and am Lucian"they introduced themselves.

"I'm Eclipstar. What a pretty name for a pretty girl." Lucian said." Don't judge the book by its cover brother she can be pretty alright but can be a devil on the inside." Lucas said rudely.

"Je déteste déjà ce mec.(I hate his guts)"I said in French. Et il pue beaucoup misty cuts in.(and he stinks). They gave me a glare before leaving.

Fuck those guys. In our art class, our teacher, Miss Brown said we will be going for a three day camp in Meadow woods. The place was nice I have to admit. The ideal place for camping. A lot of trees, a pond animals. I took a flyer and the form from Miss Brown. To say in was excited was an understatement, i was in fact very ready for the camp but the thing is whether my parent will allow me to go knowing them.

" Will you go for the camp Eclipstar, I am very excited"Nina my new friend squealed."Why are you so down Star she said. That's how she calls me saying my name is to long to pronounce." Is just that my parents will not allow me to go" I sigh.

" Who says you aren't coming with me, you are. After school am following you to your house." I know what that means. She is going to ask them herself.

Art class was over and it was left with math class for the day to be finally over. During the lesson I was thinking of the camp i didn't see the two jerks come in the class." How is our Eclipstar doing?"
Lucas sneered.

I ignored them for the rest of the lesson. Closing I went with Nina to my house and my parents allowed  me to go not before giving me a lecture and they appointing her to take good care of me. I'm 16 not 5.

I lay on my bed and let darkness consume me.


I was lucky my siblings decided not to come. I sat by the window while Nina sat beside me. We had our chat on what we would do when we get there.

I took my ipod from my bag and played  sweet but physco by Ava Max.I slept through the song.

". Star..wake up we've arrived." That got me up." Wow the place is nice" I said when I got down from the bus. Its full of green trees, grass and a pond.

Once we settled we were asked to start making our tents and I made mine near the pond. Then we all gathered sticks for the campfire in which some didn't do. I wondered in the woods and found out that this place was eerily quiet.

I can even smell the danger and I thank goodness misty tagged along with me." "Can you hear that?"misty asked " hear what?" I asked unsure of what she asked me.

"I just heard something. Let's head back I have some suspicions that here isn't safe she said. " okay as you say."

We went back to camp to see the place already set."looks like people have already than the work."

"Yep"a familiar voice said behind me making me squeal in surprised. "And where were you Star? "

"Oh I was just walking around "I said. "Really is it she raised her eyebrow questioning me." Yes why don't we go to the campfire the sun is setting won't it be fun to watch the sunset."I said pulling her to the campfire.

The campfire activity was fun. J got to know some of my classmates. We talked laughed luckily someone brought a barbeque so we ate a lot of sausages, kebabs and beef burgers.

We slept early because our teacher Miss Brown and Mr. Parker said we would do a lot of activities tomorrow.

Oh and those brothers came for the camp and they decided to make my life in the camp hell by stalking me and doing all those creepy stuff. I was the first to retire to my tent early because I felt as if my energy had been drained forcibly allowing me to fall into deep sleep.

*****end of chapter******"
So sorry I couldnt publish earlier I had to do my maths homework and am done. I promise to publish early.
And let me say this if you see any mistakes please bear with me.
I would be looking forward to your votes and comments.

Good news to my story has been ranked 399 out of 9.06k stories in the magic section and I'm very happy. Keep voting and commenting.

********bye readers*********
Love you all***

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