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A/N: so before I begin actually writing this, I'm just going to post the one-shot on my other story about people meeting Percabeth.

WARNING: It will be based on this, but sone details won't be correct.


"Meet you there at five." Annabeth said and turned away.


"I hate you! Go away idiot!" Annabeth cried, and stormed back to her cabin.

"Fine!" Percy yelled. "Have it your way!"

I gasped, and sprinted over to the Athena cabin, where sobs echoed around the walls. But when I reached there, I was too late. Annabeth was running up half-blood hill, not looking back.


Six months later...


It's been six months since Annabeth and I broke up, and I haven't heard from her since. Every time Piper comes back from visiting her, a guilty expression fills her face. One day, I decided to confront Annabeth. I had to ask Piper for her address though.

When she gave me the address, her face filled with warning. "Don't push her. She has a lot on her plate at the moment."

I decided to visit her today.


When I pulled up in front of the apartment, I heard someone crying for help inside. I kicked open the door, and saw Annabeth on the floor, hyperventilating. But that's not what surprised me. Her stomach was swollen, and it looked like her water had just broken.

"P-Percy?" She cried.

"I'm right here." I said. But then I remembered what we'd been fighting about six months ago.


Annabeth raced up to me after the campfire, excitement light in her eyes. "Percy, I have to tell you something!" She said happily.

"Yeah?" My face broke into a grin.

"Please don't hate me or anything-"

"Why would I hate you?"

"Because I've been-"

"Hanging out with Will Solace?" That morning, I'd seen her talking to Will about something. I didn't know what, but Annabeth was crying and he was rubbing her back.

Her face fell. "What? No!"

"Are you cheating on me?" I felt myself get angry.

"No, I-"

"Just go away! If you want to be with him, fine!"

"No, Percy-"

"Go away Wise Girl! I hate you!"

Tears welled up in her eyes. "I hate you! Get away from me!" She cried, and ran away.

Flashback over.

Now, seeing her on the floor, about to give birth, it stopped my anger, my hurt, my sadness. I ran over to her, fumbling with my phone in my pocket. I dialled an ambulance, and they said that they'd be over soon.

"It's going to be okay," I told her, kneeling beside her and rubbing her back. "Just breathe."

She let out a cry of pain.

"It's okay." I soothed, and pulled her into my lap. "Just be calm and breathe."

The ambulance arrived two minutes later. I held Annabeth's hand the whole time, even when she gave birth to two twins, a boy and a girl.

"So who is the lucky father?" I asked her coldly.

"You." She said.

"Wait- what?" I stumbled back.

She sighed. "Six months ago, I had just found out I was pregnant. Will told me that you were the father, so I told him to keep it secret.

"I was about to tell you, but then you started accusing me of cheating on you."

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." I said.

"I'm sorry too." She smiled.

"I promise I'll make it up to you. As long as we're together, right?"

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