Chapter 2- I have a test

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Chapter 2- I have a test
📚- Annabeth
My fists were clenched tightly in my lap. The cool air blew in through the window, fanning my face.
"Annabeth?" Will asked, poking his head through the door. I sighed, and stood up from the chair outside of the room, and headed through the door of my private room.
The room was bare. A bed sat pressed up against the wall, some sort of machine next to it. There were jars of ambrosia and nectar lined on shelves. "Lie down on the bed and pull your shirt up." Will instructed. I did as he asked me to.
He pulled the machine over, pressed a few buttons and put a blanket on my stomach. There was a whir, and on the small screen next to me showed not only one, but two small babies. A gasp escaped my lips. Will grinned. "Would you look at that? You're having twins. I'll give you a quick potion and that'll speed up their growing process. You'll be able to give birth in four months."
I thanked him, and took the golden coloured drink. Then I headed back to the Athena cabin.
"So, Wise Girl." Said a voice, and I mentally groaned. I'd avoided Percy before now, but now I guess I'll have to face him. "Why were you at the infirmary? My bad. You were visiting your boyfriend."
"No I wasn't." I retorted.
"Yeah right. And hey, is it just me, or are you getting fat?" I looked down at my stomach and noticed a small baby bump.
"No, it's just you." I entered the cabin. Then I made the decision.
I packed a bag full of clothes, ambrosia, nectar and my sword, before going out of my cabin and headed towards half-blood hill. Then I crossed the property line, and headed into the mortal world.
I managed to rent a small apartment. Now here I am. For the last two weeks, I've had morning sickness and my stomach has grown.
Piper visits me regularly. I told her about the children, and how I broke up with Percy.
"He's not doing well." She had said the last time she'd visited. "He hasn't been eating much, and all he does is go into the lake."
But one month after I arrived was the first time that I saw him.
A/N: That was horrible! I deserve the award for the worst chapter ever! It's not even that long! Please don't hate me for not updating, my life has been crazy at the moment!
I've decided to make this story short. It'll only have at least five more chapters before an epilogue.

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