Chapter 1- The Prophecy

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Chapter 1- The Prophecy
In the dream, I was standing in a field of red roses. The aroma filled up my nose and I gagged. It smelt like rotten eggs. Then I noticed that amongst all of the red was a single white, which stood out.
A voice.
Choose now.
Again, the voice spoke, rustling the flowers and making me shiver.
Choose quickly, before it's too late.
Choose what? I thought, but when I blinked, in front of me stood only two roses; a red one and a white one.
Then I saw the speaker. Three old ladies were knitting a pair of blue socks. The one in the middle was staring directly at me.
Choose, or your fate is already chosen for you. She said again.
My hand shakily reached out and took the white flower. Some thorns pierced my skin, but I ignored the pain.
Suddenly, the three ladies disappeared, including the red rose. I was standing in a plain grass landscape, land stretching around me for miles, the white rose clutched in my hand. But it was slowly dying. A petal fell off and hit the ground. Then the overs did, waltzing towards the ground in a rain of white, until all I was left holding was a green stem.
There was a whip of wind, and whispering voices filled the air.
I turned in a circle. "Who's there?" I called.
Suddenly, a gust of wind knocked me over, and I fell backwards.
Your fate has been foretold for millennium, daughter of Athena. The wind cackled.
"What do you mean?" I cried.
You shall fell anger and hatred,
Your feelings shall be twisted,
But only by true loves kiss,
Will you shoot and not miss.
"A prophecy?"
But the dream was already fading. It was swept away in one final gust of wind, the voice's cackling laughter echoing around me.
"Rachel?" I asked the oracle. We were sitting in her cave.
She sighed, blowing a piece of her curly red hair out of her face. "I don't know. Only Piper and Reyna were listening."
"Piper and Reyna? What were they doing here?" I said.
Rachel looked embarrassed. "We were discussing Willico. Piper claims it's Solangelo, but Reyna and I think Willico sounds better."
"Will and Nico, apparently they got together- never mind, it's hard to explain."
"Tell me the exact words." I demanded.
"Daughter of Athena Beware,
You shall fell anger and hatred,
Your feelings shall be twisted,
But only by true loves kiss,
Will you shoot and not miss."
"What do you think it means?"
A troubled look crossed her face. "Piper and I agree that it must be talking about you."
"Me?" I gasped. "But there are-"
"You're our first option, and if you heard it in a dream, then it must be you."
"Hang on a minute, what does it mean by 'shoot and not miss?' Or 'true loves kiss'?"
"We're not sure about that part. But it has to mean you." Rachel concluded.

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