Epilogue- Fifteen Years Later

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Epilogue- Fifteen Years Later
I must say. I've had a good run. Saved the world a few times, been to Tartarus, broken up with my girlfriend then gotten back together after I realised that she was pregnant. Though the most amazing part was the twins.
We had a boy and a girl. Zoë and Luke. Zoë is like me. She has sandy blonde hair and sea green eyes. Her powers are the same as mine, but she isn't as smart as Luke or Annabeth. Luke is very tall for a ten year old. He's the best in his grade, and has blonde hair and grey eyes. Though his hair is more darker than Zoë's.
And I guess you could count our other child, Nemo. Yes, I picked the name, but Annabeth got to pick the others. Nemo has a mixture of Annabeth and my powers. For example, he's amazing at swimming, but can't control water - yet. He's quite intelligent, and has jet black hair and storm grey eyes. But he's only four years old so cut him some slack.
And I suppose if you must, you could count the other one that's on her way. Though she's still in Annabeth's stomach.
It's a good life. We live in New Rome, which is now home. (No rhyming intended!) Jason and Piper are married with triplets, Frank and Hazel are married too and have a little girl called Samantha. Calypso and Leo are married and have a boy called Andrew.
Well, that's it for now. If you're wondering what happened to Will, well that's classified information. Rumour has it that he left camp with a friend and they are currently dating.
Oh, and I almost forgot. Leo says hi.

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