Chapter 3- An Iris-Message

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Chapter 3- An Iris-Message
🌊 - Percy
I decided to call Annabeth. I was missing her really bad, even though I didn't want to admit it. "O Iris, please accept my offering." I muttered, and tossed the drachma into the rainbow I'd created. "Show me Annabeth Chase."
In the mist, I saw a small apartment, with Annabeth leaning over a box. "Annabeth?" I asked. She whipped around, and was it just me, or was her stomach considerably larger than the last time I saw her?
"Percy?" She asked, and brushed a loose strand of her curly blonde hair behind her ear.
"We need to talk." I said.
"About what?" She demanded.
I took a deep breath. "About Will."
She just seemed to get even angrier. "There's nothing going on between us!"
"You're cute when you're angry." The words escaped my mouth before I could stop them.
"You're an idiot, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth was blushing, but she still managed to make her voice sound mad.
"If there's nothing between you, then why did I hear you confirming a date?"
"Look, now isn't the time-"
"Then when is? I've got all day you know."
Then she did something unexpected. She slashed her hand across the Iris Message, and disappeared.
I decided to talk to Piper about Annabeth. She was the only one still in contact with her. "Piper!" I called out to her, when she passed the Poseidon cabin on the way to the Aphrodite one.
"What, Percy?" She snapped. She seemed tired.
"I need to talk to you about Annabeth. Why is she acting weird?" I asked her.
"Look, she's facing hard times-"
"Why though?"
Piper scratched the back of her neck. "Because of you."
I was taken aback. "But why?"
"You broke up with her. She's not taking it very well. If I were you, then I'd stay out of her way." Piper walked away, leaving me even more confused.
I decided to visit my mom and see if she could figure anything out. I packed a small backpack with some ambrosia and nectar, a first aid kit, a spare pair of clothes and a bottle of water. Then I asked Argus to drive me into the city.
There was a pouf of pink smoke in front of me, and when it cleared, a goddess stood before me. My eyes narrowed, and I folded my arms. "Aphrodite."
The goddess of love giggled. "Yes dear, it is me."
I groaned. "What do you want?"
"To speed up the process!" She giggled, and pulled out a large compact mirror, and started fixing a microscopic problem with her makeup.
"Of what?" I demanded.
"Your pregnancy!"
"I'm turning your seven months left into seven days!" She giggled.
"How in Hades would you do that?"
"Like this!" She snapped her fingers and everything suddenly blurred. I heard Aphrodite disappear, and felt myself collapsing on the floor, falling unconscious.
The first thing I noticed when I woke up, was my stomach. It had swollen a lot, as if I had a basketball under my shirt. I sat up and pulled out my phone. And then I noticed the date. I'd been out for five days.
Someone must've come and tried to wake me up, because I was lying in my bed, and there was a glass of nectar on my bedside table from where they'd given me a drink.
Then it hit me. Oh no. I had two days before I would give birth, and Percy didn't know.

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